Chapter 27

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The soft sounds of breathing was all that was heard as the embers of the once crackling fire glowed dimly, a faint reminder of the fire that once provided a perfect ambiance for the evening prior. All was dark and peaceful, until a light emitting artifact was activated.

"Nooo," Arthur groaned as he pulled the blanket over his head. "Five more minutes."


Arthur's eyes opened wide and he immediately shot up to see Tess standing by his bed. She stared at him longingly while wearing a long black cloak that completely covered her body.

"Tess? What are you doing here?"

"I can't do this anymore, I can't handle it."

"Do what? Tell me, I'll do whatever I need to to help you." Arthur replied urgently as he stood up and placed his hand on her shoulder.

"I can't hold back anymore," Tess said, then smashed her lips against his. She then broke the kiss by pushing him back onto the bed, where he stared up at her, his eyes wide and mind racing as he tried to process what was happening. "Art," Tess opened her cloak and allowed it to fall to the ground, revealing her wearing only a black lace teddy. "I want you."

Tess climbed onto Arthur's lap and furiously began making out with him, pushing her tongue into his mouth. Teenage hormones raced through Arthur's body fighting with his inhibitions, until finally there was a winner. Arthur returned the kiss, moving his tongue to dance with hers. His hands started on her thighs and moved up to her waist, allowing him to feel her seductive womanly curves.

Taking the lead Arthur rolled over, flipping Tess onto her back. There she was laid out for him in sexy lingerie. Her succulent looking breasts moved with every breath, almost as if they were begging for his attention. But no, there was something else he wanted first. Slowly he moved down Tess' body, his fingers slowly and gently moving down her body, until he was off the bed and his fingers were at her thighs. Getting on his knees he knelt down between Tess' legs and began kissing and sucking on her inner thighs, as he worked his way to her lace panties. Tess moaned quietly as he moved closer and closer to her womanhood. He traced his fingers along the edge of her panties before taking one side between two fingers and began to move them until....

"Ahhh," Arthur yelled as he shot up in bed alone, dripping wet.

He looked to his side to see Sylvie levitating beside him with an empty bucket.

"Did you have to pour water on me?" Arthur asked angrily.

"No, but you clearly needed a cold shower," Sylvie replied, gesturing for him to look down.

Arthur looked down to see his morning wood.

"I had to block you out, your dream was coming across thanks to our bond," Sylvie told him, sounding annoyed while also blushing a bit from having seen part of the dream.

"Sorry about that," Arthur replied embarrassed.

"It's ok, I know you can't control your dreams. Is it hard?"

"What?!" Arthur replied in shock to her question.

"Dealing with those teenage hormones," Sylvie clarified innocently.

Arthur cleared his throat. "It didn't used to be, but lately, yes."

"That makes sense. From what you've told me from your past life you never loved anyone, and this time you have a very pretty girlfriend."

Pretty wasn't the word he would have used, but he blamed his out of control hormones on that.

A mischievous smirk then formed on her face. "You know, I wouldn't mind having a younger sibling."

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