Chapter 25

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Arthur was walking along the perimeter of a large chamber on the fourth floor of the dungeon, Swamp Pit. Of course he wasn't alone, Tess was walking right beside him with Sylvie in front of them, and the rest of her team in front of Sylvie. Several more teams were spread out around them to ensure nothing was missed. The chamber was deemed large enough to be established as their base camp, so the teams scattered to evaluate its potential as well as ensure all the beasts were wiped out.

As they returned to the Captain, Arthur found himself greeted by strange confused looks from the rest of the unit. This was of course due to the fact that he was a general, and was ultimately following the Captain's orders.

After Arthur and Sylvie initially met up with the rest of the Trailblazers, the Captain attempted to relinquish command to Arthur. However he didn't even let the Captain finish his sentence before refusing command, stating that the Trailblazers had been operating just fine and that accidents were more likely to occur if he were to suddenly start ordering things to be done differently. He concluded telling him though that he would voice his opinion if he were to feel it was necessary.

"Captain, all beasts have been cleared from the left side, and so sign of any other entry points other than the two main points," Tess reported.

"There's a pool of fresh water being fed by a small creek on the opposite side of the camber," Clive added.

"And all's clear down the middle," Claire concluded.

"Good," the Captain said with a nod. "We'll establish this chamber as our base camp. I want two teams at both entry points until the walls are up. Head Bladeheart, take lead on getting the walls up where we entered, Head Eralith you take the other entrance. Head Graves get the support structures up. Dismissed."

The three heads saluted their Captain and split up to get their assignments done. Arthur and Sylvie of course followed Tess, taking note of Clive glaring at him as he walked over to his teams.

Clive's assignment of setting up support structures might not have sounded as important as the walls, but they included the medical tents, command tent, latrines, the bathing stations in the water near its outlet, as well as potable water stations at the water's inlet. Great care had to be made when establishing each location to ensure the drinking water didn't get contaminated, resulting in the spreading of disease. Essentially making Clive tasks arguably the most important of them all.

"So how long has he been here?" Arthur asked as he gestured to Clive, who was delegating tasks behind them.

"About two months ago," Tess replied with a solemn tone.

Arthur sighed as he shook his head. "He was one of the Dungeon Diver survivors." Tess nodded in reply. "Has he been giving you any trouble?"

"Is the great General Leywin going to do something about it if he is?" Tess teased.

"I could always have him sent to the other unit," Arthur suggested. "Savage beatings are also an option."

"Wouldn't that be an abuse of your power?" She reminded him as she playfully pushed him from the side.

Arthur smiled and got close as he wrapped an arm around her. "Most definitely, but for you it would be more than worth it." He then gave her a quick peck on the cheek.

"Well thank you, but that won't be necessary, I can handle him," Tess replied and continued walking after her teams.


Upon joining the Trailblazers, Clive tried to return to the way things were, and tried subtlety flirting with Tess. She of course didn't notice, but that didn't mean he was able to get close to her. Tess wanted to let go of the past and allow him a fresh start, but everytime she looked at him she remembered how poorly he treated Arthur, and how his parents tried to have him expelled. Of course it didn't help that he walked around the place with an aura of superiority, since he and Tess came from noble families of higher tier than any of the other nobles there.

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