Chapter 32

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Alacryan soldiers, the non mages, were using large shields to force a group of low ranked mutated mana beasts towards Elshire Forest. They struggled with all their might as several claws reached between the shields, threatening to rip an opening in the line and tear the soldiers to shreds. Their mage leader stood behind them yelling instructions, clearly annoyed at how long this was taking. Once in position the leader ordered them to shatter glass spheres onto their shields. Within seconds of the balls shattering, the beasts took off running to the mist hidden forest.

They ran madly, as if they would rip apart anything that got it their way. Just as they were about to disappear into the mist, they were blown away by a powerful water spell. More than half of the beasts were either dead or incapable of moving, as the remaining beasts' survival instincts kicked in and they held back as they waited for an opening to attack.

"You Alacryans are rather persistent," said a voice from within the mist.

The beasts were focused on a single point, so the soldiers focused there, and soon saw a figure emerging.

"Three attacks and it isn't even time for lunch yet." A young elf then emerged from the mist holding a wand. "You know, I'm feeling rather merciful, so if you drop your weapons now and surrender, I promise you all will be treated humanely. I, Feyrith Ivsaar the third give you my word."

"There's just one of him, attack!" The Alacryan leader shouted, sending his men charging at Feyrith.

"Oh well," Feyrith commented casually as he shrugged.

The mist was suddenly blown away, revealing a dozen archers, just as they released their arrows. The arrows took down the beasts quickly, as well as some of the soldiers. A female elf, appearing to be a few years older than Feyrith walked up beside him and jabbed her staff to the ground. Dozens of roots tore free from the soil and began quickly dispatching the Alacryan soldiers, until only the leader remained.

"Alright then," the leader said as his body burst into flames. "Come at me!"

"Oh no, I won't be fighting a brute like you, that's more the General's thing," Feyrith said while pointing up.

The Alacryan leader looked up just as a boot came down and hit him in the face, effectively knocking him out.

"Nice strategy Feyrith," Arthur praised.

Despite his vast knowledge of warfare from his previous life, Arthur often let others come up with attack strategies first, only offering up his own ideas when all other presented ideas would result in too high of casualties, or were just plain bad.

"Thank you Arthur. It seems I really have a knack for warfare," Feyrith replied pridefully. "Perhaps I will be chosen to become the next Lance."

Before Arthur arrived Feyrith's plans were over complicated and would easily leave them vulnerable if anything went wrong. However since Arthur started providing him guidance, his strategies have become simpler and more fluid. This not only improved their effectiveness, but also reduced the number of injuries and deaths.

"Hahaha," Arthur laughed awkwardly. "How about we just focus on the task at hand. Have this prisoner brought back to camp for interrogation."


Arthur and twenty elves entered the small clearing that was their camp, and home for the last few months. The camp was protected by a wall that was built from both plant and earth magic, which held several small shelters conjured the same way instead of tents. This combination was something that Arthur had come up with early on during this time with his division. The stone provided the structure and strength, while the vines and roots provided camouflage and a bit of flexibility to the wall that allowed it to endure more powerful attacks without breaking.

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