Chapter 5

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Everyone including Arthur and Tess took a knee, while Sylvie climbed onto Tess' back and waved. Everyone but Arthur was looking down, whether due to his familiarity with Commander Virion, or just the fact that he knew he was there for him he kept his head up. The few that dared to just glance up saw the commander followed by a man wearing a wool cloak that covered all but his mouth from view.

"Tessia, Arthur, come with me," Virion called out, his voice just loud enough to be heard by everyone while not yelling.

Everyone kept on their knee until the captain released them, just in time to see Arthur as he entered the command tent.


"Arthur!" Virion exclaimed as he took Arthur into a bear hug.

"Good to see you too Gramps." Arthur looked to Adler as he removed his hood. "Nice to see you too Aldir."

"We came as soon as we heard you arrived," Virion said as he released Arthur from the hug. "Although I'm surprised, I was expecting you to be coming to the castle."

"So was I," Arthur looked to Aldir. "but for some reason Winsdom decided to send me here instead."

"Hmm," Aldir appeared to be pondering any possible explanation. "It is a mystery. He has had more contact with lessers than nearly anyone else. Perhaps his logic is there."

"Maybe to have a psychological effect on the troops?" Arthur suggested.

"Psychological?" Tess questioned.

With that Arthur realized he once again used a term he thought was only from his old world. Thankfully for him Aldir spoke up to clarify.

"It means to have an effect on the mind. In this case, perhaps the intention was to instill confidence in you with the troops, or perhaps improve their morale. Very few have seen what a lance is capable of, let alone see their aftermath."

"Well he definitely inspired some confidence. Even those who didn't believe that Arthur cleared the den couldn't think of any other explanation," Tess stated.

"Well it doesn't matter whatever the reason, Arthur is back, and it's time to return to the castle," Virion said, just happy that Arthur was back.

"We're leaving already?" Tess asked.

"No, you'll be staying here, the rest of us will be leaving," Virion clarified, his expression showing he had an idea how Tess would handle this.

"But he just got here!"

"Tess," Arthur took her hand in his. "I need to return to the council for a debrief, and...figure out where to put me to use."

"Tessia," Virion put a hand on her shoulder as he looked at her with a sympathetic expression. "I know you've waited a long time for Arthur to come back. But we are at war, and you both have your own duties."

"So I have to keep fighting, and make my way with my own strength," Tess replied with a mocking tone.

Virion closed his eyes. "Tessia, I know this is difficult for you, but this is how it has to be," Virion sighed. "With that said, being commander of the entire war does come with some perks."

"What do you mean?" Tess asked.

"I can't give you two all the time you want together, but I promise I'll try and work things so you two can at least get some time together every once in a while."

Tess sighed. "I guess that's the best I could hope for. Thank you," She conceded. Tess wanted more, to be assigned to a unit or team working directly under Arthur so they could at least see each other every few days. However she also knew reality, and knew that that would never happen.

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