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Gracie wakes up and looks over at the box from Jo that she still hasn't opened. She goes over and opens it. 14:39 

Gracie's eyes go wide when she sees a sparrow made out of fire. 14:40 

Elaine gets to her feet and walks toward the treehouse 14:40 

Gracie: Oh my gosh! This is so much cooler than the carving knife I got for her! 14:41 

Andrea slides down her ladder 14:44 

Elaine sees the treehouse up ahead 14:44 

Elaine walks over and knocks on the door 14:44 

Andrea jumps and looks at the door 14:45 

Andrea goes over and sees Elaine outside, so she opens the door "Hey!" 14:45 

Elaine: Hello Andrea! 14:46 

Elaine: I came to show you my writing 14:46 

Andrea: Oh! Okay come in! 14:46 

Elaine walks inside cautiously 14:46 

Andrea closes the door "Pretty cool huh?" 14:47 

Elaine: It's very nice 14:47 

Andrea smiles, "Yeah, so you've been writing?" 14:48 

Gracie starts playing with the sparrow and watches it change from a kitten to a hamster. "Oh my gosh. I love you! I'm calling you my Blazie and you shall be the cutest Blazie in the world!" 14:48 

Elaine: I've been trying 14:48 

Elaine turns when she hears someone 14:48 

Elaine: Is someone else here? 14:48 

Andrea: Just Gracie 14:49 

Elaine pulls her hood up a little 14:49 

Andrea waves it off "You should see the wings Jo gave Gracie. It's pretty cool." 14:50 

Elaine: Wings? 14:50 

Elaine: Does this Jo have magic? 14:50 

Blazie joined the chat 14:50 

Andrea: Nah, she's just a crazy inventor, so maybe it's kinda similar 14:51 

Blazie turns back into a sparrow and flies around Gracie's room. 14:51 

Elaine: Oh 14:51 

Elaine turns and listens 14:51 

Elaine: Is there a bird in here? 14:51 

Andrea: Um... I dunno.. 14:51 

Elaine: It sounds like there is... 14:52 

Elaine holds out the paper she's been writing on 14:52 

Gracie wants to fly with it, but her room isn't big enough and it's so cold outside that she doesn't want to fly out there either. 14:52 

Andrea shrugs "I could ask her if you want" 14:53 

Annnnnnaaaa joined the chat 14:53 

Elaine: It's up to you. 14:54 

Elaine starts getting too hot with the cloak on. She reluctantly takes it off 14:54 


Annnnnnaaaa: FOR YOU! 14:55 

Andrea takes a breath and screams "Gracie!! What the heck are you doing up there?!?" 14:55 

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