Christmas Preperations

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Gracie walks around through her newly constructed tree house that she made Derrick, Brendan, and Chris build for her. 12:07 

Gracie goes up to the highest floor and lies down on her bed in the loft. The waterfall is a lot farther now, but it's still in view and the new mansion isn't that far away too. She's glad there's only two bedrooms so someone can spend the night again, but there won't be a flood of people trying to move in. 12:14

Allison: On a different note, this place is lacking Christmas spirt! Let's go find a Christmas tree! 15:03 

Gracie: What's Christmas? 15:04 

Allison gasps. 15:05 

Allison: It's just about the best holiday ever!! 15:05 

Gracie shrugs. "We don't usually celebrate holidays in D7." 15:06 

Allison: Every December there is a holiday called christmas 15:06 

Gracie: Okay... 15:07 

Allison: It's about giving gifts to friends and family as a way to spread joy, happiness, love, thankfulness, and more love! 15:08 

Allison: Typically people celebrate by getting a christmas tree, which is a evergreen by the way, they put it up in their biggest room and decorate it. 15:09 

Allison: thats not the only part though! 15:09 

Gracie laughs. "Okay, so... What kind of gifts do I have to give? And do I have to get a gift for EVERYONE? There's so many people in our mansions... I wouldn't want anyone to feel left out..." 15:09 

Allison: Yes, everyone. And we get things that they would want need or enjoy 15:10 

Gracie: Okay... 15:10 

Allison: It's a time to spend time with others and sing christmas songs! 15:11 

Gracie shrugs. "Well, I guess I like singing..." 15:11 

Allison: There is also baking cookies, kissing under a plant called a mistletoe, watching christmas specials on TV, and cuddling by fires.... 15:12 

Allison: fireplace fires of course... 15:12 

Gracie wrinkles her nose. "Why would we kiss under a plant?" 15:13 

Allison: Someone a looooooooong time ago came up with it. It's cute so the tradition never left. 15:14 

Allison: I mean, you hang it somewhere in the house, if two people walk under it they have to kiss. 15:15 

Allison: *underit together 15:15 

Gracie shrugs a shoulder again. "Then it's just not going to be hung at the tree house... Can you imagine how awkward it would be if I had to kiss Chris or Brendan?" 15:16 

Gracie bites her lip. "Even worse, Derrick or Cameron..." 15:16 

Allison laughs and nods. 15:16 

Gracie could totally picture Talia getting on wired up if she had to watch Gracie kiss Chris, even if it was just on the cheek.... 15:17 

Allison: Well my favorite part is telling the kids about Old Saint Nicolas, or a most people call him, Santa Claus. 15:17 

Gracie: Santa Claus? 15:18 

Allison tells Gracie EVERY detail about Santa Claus. 15:19 

Gracie: Hmm... Wouldn't that be kind of mean though? Giving Lucas, Zoe, and Jessica the false hope that someone comes to give them gifts? I mean, it's a pretty lie, but... 15:20 

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