Introducing Caitlyn

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Caitlyn runs through the forest, her brown hair flying in the wind. 21:37 

Andrea spins in her chair at the tree house and munches on cookies 21:41 

Gracie walks downstairs after hanging out with Blazie for a bit. 21:42 

Andrea waves to Gracie because her mouth is full with cookie 21:44 

Caitlyn sees some kind of treehouse with lights in it and hides behind a tree, catching her breath and wondering if this is a camp for peacekeepers or something. She had already seen the old mansion and saw a few people in there. She even thought she saw lights in the cave behind the waterfall. 21:44 

Gracie waves back and sits on the bar with her feet propped up on a chair. "Derrick stop by yet for his daily dose of Andrea?" 21:45 

Caitlyn hunches down and tip-toes to the tree house, her feet not even making a sound on the twigs. 21:46 

Andrea laughs and blushes slightly "No. He doesn't have to be here 24/7 you know!" 21:46 

Gracie: Suuuure. 21:47 

Andrea rolls her eyes 21:47 

Gracie winks at you very Derrick-like. In fact, I make an almost perfect impression of the face he makes when he winks. 21:48 

Caitlyn goes up the steps of the tree house and cautiously looks through the window, hearing voices inside. 21:48 

Andrea laughs "That was pretty good" 21:48 

Gracie: I know right? I've been around the dude too long I guess. 21:50 

Caitlyn looks behind her shoulder, still paranoid that she's being followed. She tucks her gun in her coat, where she might be able to reach it easily and then stands up straight, knocking on the door. 21:50 

Gracie glances at the door, kind of half-hoping it's Cameron, but knowing it's more than likely Derrick. Then she sees a girl through the window. "Hey! Who are you?" 21:51 

Andrea looks at the girl in the window 21:52 

Caitlyn doesn't want to give away her name just yet. "Um, do you have any purified water I could have? I'm just passing through. I only need enough to keep me going until tomorrow." 21:54 

Gracie goes to the door and cautiously opens it, after seen that she appears unarmed. "Sure. Come on in from the cold. We have food too." 21:56 

Andrea stares at the girl for a minute and then blinks 21:57 

Caitlyn walks in slowly, putting her hand in her pocket just in case. Her tongue is really dry and she licks her chapped lips. 21:57 

Andrea gets up and goes to the kitchen to get a bottle of water for the girl 21:58 

Gracie: Go on and have a seat, kid. 21:58 

Caitlyn: I'm not a kid. I'm seventeen. 21:59 

Caitlyn takes a seat anyway because her legs are killing her. 21:59 

Andrea comes back and gives the girl a glass of water "Here ya go." 21:59 

Gracie: Pft. Totally a kid. I'm almost twenty. 21:59 

Andrea laughs "Old fart" 22:00 

Gracie shrugs. "At least I've aged like fine wine and instead of bread." 22:01 

Andrea: Uh, yeah, sure. 22:01 

Caitlyn takes the glass with both her hands and takes a slow sip. Her hands are shaking a little and she barely manages to not drink it all down at once since she knows that would be bad. 22:02 

Gracie sits down and leans against the bar. "So, where you from, Mystery Girl?" 22:02 

Andrea sits in her spinny chair 22:03 

Caitlyn shrugs and takes another sip. "Around." 22:04 

Andrea: Where are you going? 22:05 

Caitlyn: I don't really know yet. I just ... wanted to get away and explore. 22:06 

Andrea nods 22:07 

Caitlyn: So, what are you all doing out here? Where did you come from? 22:08 

Gracie: I'm usually cooking a lot and being forever alone. And I'm from D7. 22:09 

Andrea: Uh, D12.. 22:09 

Andrea scrunches her nose since she really has been in her district since she was 13. 22:10 

Gracie: Do you happen to know this dude, Will? He's looking for his sisters and just showed up yesterday, I think. 22:11 

Caitlyn shakes her head and then drinks a longer sip of her water. 22:11 

Gracie: Want something to eat while you're here? 22:13 

Caitlyn shakes her head. "The water's enough, thanks." 22:14 

Andrea: You sure? 22:14 

Gracie: Come on, you're too scrawny. You'll need this. 22:15 

Gracie hands Caitlyn some bread. 22:15 

Caitlyn shrugs a shoulder and eats a small bite out of it. 22:15 

Caitlyn: Um, I'm from Districts 8 and 13 ... by the way ... and my name's Caitlyn. 22:17 

Andrea: From 13? 22:19 

Caitlyn nods. 22:22 

Andrea: Why'd you leave? 22:22 

Caitlyn: I just got tired of being there. It was great, but ... Coin can be such a controlling bitch at times. I was sick of having to follow a schedule. My dad said it was okay. As long as I didn't get myself killed and I came back to visit him sometimees. 22:23 

Caitlyn smiles a little, finishes off her water, and eats some more bread. 22:24

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