Gracie Runs off With Caitlyn

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Will: Your reward for being Queens of Awesomeness 22:18 

Andrea takes the chocolate "Thanks, aren't you going to have some?" 22:18 

Sierra nods 22:18 

Will: Nah, I'm gonna save some 22:18 

Will: I can give it to my sisters when I see them 22:19 

Seth walks over to the tree house because he misses Gracie's cooking already. 22:19 

Gracie got Caitlyn to go to bed in her room with Blazie curled up next to her. 22:20 

Andrea breaks off a piece of her chocolate bar and gives it to Will "Here, you try it first!" 22:20 

Gracie walks downstairs and flops down on the sofa. 22:20 

Will: It's your treat. You try it first Jan 18 

Sierra breaks off a piece too and gives it to Will 22:20 

Andrea takes a bite, "Mmmmmm, it's sooooooooo good!!!" 22:21 

Sierra takes a bite too and gives Will two thumbs up 22:21 

Seth walks up the steps to the tree house and knocks on the door 22:22 

Will: Excellent! 22:22 

Will: Don't eat too much or you'll spoil your dinner 22:22 

Gracie rubs her eyes and grumbles, "Scan your hand and come in! I'm lazy!" 22:22 

Andrea laughs "Fineee. But you have to try it too!" 22:22 

Seth scans his thumb on the keypad and walks in, "Hey to you too, Gracie." 22:23 

Will: Alright Ms. Awesome 22:24 

Gracie rubs her eyes. "Sorry, I'm cranky. How are you?" 22:24 

Andrea scrunches her nose "Don't call me that!" 22:24 

Will: Alright Ms. Grumpy Gills. Should we go back to the treehouse? 22:25 

Seth sits next to her "Fine, I was wondering if you happened to have any apple turnovers or cookies or any type of cooking because it's so amazing. Anyways how are you?" 22:25 

Andrea laughs "Sure." 22:26 

Sierra yawns 22:26 

Will: Sierra, you tired? 22:26 

Sierra shrugs 22:26 

Gracie sits up a bit and smiles. "I made some cookies today. They're in that cookie jar on the bar." 22:35 

Will left the chat 22:35 

Andrea: Byee) 22:36 

Seth: Awesome! 22:36 

Seth gets up and grabs a handful of cookies from the jar 22:36 

Seth: So have you been, Gracie? 22:36 

Andrea goes back to the tree house with Sierra 22:37 

Gracie shrugs. "Okayish, I guess. We have a new girl living here. Kind of. She's asleep right now." 22:37 

Seth sits down and offers her a cookie 22:37 

Gracie takes half of it and lets him half the other half. 22:38 

Seth: Really, who is she? 22:38 

Seth puts the rest of the cookie in Gracie's lap "I have a whole handful here!" 22:38 

Andrea: So have you talked to Chase? 22:39 

Sierra tenses and shakes her head 22:39 

Andrea: Have you seen him? 22:39 

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