9. First Cuddle

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<Y/n's POV>

I slowly opened my eyes to see a person I least expected. 

Min Yoongi

He was breathing heavily as.he let the wood fall on him. Something hit me. My dream. Yoongi told me something I never expected. Everything was true. M-My Min is Min Yoongi!


My eyes widened. He was breathing heavily and was holding me under him so I didn't get hurt. My eyes teared to see him. But slowly he started closing his eyes and he fell on me.

-"No" I screamed.

Somehow I got away from him and threw away all the blocks of wood from his back and  pulled him on me. His back was injured. I carried him out of the alley and got a taxi and rushed to the nearby hospital. I couldn't help but blame myself. All this happened because of me. 


2 hours later:

Yoongi was treated as soon as we reached the hospital. After the doctors treated him, I came to know that he was badly injured, but not worse. The doctors also mentioned that his ability to penetrate the injury was very strong and it was not common. Only if they knew who Yoongi was…

I walked into the room where Yoongi was taking rest. He was staring at the ceiling. My eyes teared again. All this happened because of me. If only I didn't walk through that alley. And now Yoongi is alright.

I ran to him and hugged him tightly.

<A/n's POV>

You ran to him and hugged him tightly. Yoongi was shocked as you hugged him, but what more surprised him was that you were crying and muttering forgiveness. You hugged him as if your life depended on him. You felt guilty for his condition. Until you felt an arm caressing your back and slowly slid it around your waist and pulled you closer, so that there was no space between you two. You lifted your face and your eyes met his. For the first time, his eyes weren't dark or cold. They were warm, and you felt comfortable.

-"Hey, why are you blaming yourself, princess?" You blushed at his nickname.

-"Why won't I? I am the reason you are in this condition!" He just smiled, showing his gummy smile for the first time.

-"Weren't you the one who was protecting me?" You remembered how you pulled Min under you so that he doesn't get hurt.

-"But it doesn't hurt as it seems," he continued.

<Y/n's POV>

I realized the position you both were in and you were flustered. I tried to get away from him instead he held me.

-"Stay" He whispered in my ears.

-"I will feel better" He moved a little, creating a space on the bed. He patted on the bed, asking me to get on the bed. I quietly did so without saying anything.

He pulled me to his chest. I was too exhausted that I didn't realize that I closed my eyes, feeling his calming heartbeat. Suddenly a question circled in my head.



-"Why didn't you tell me that you are Min? And How come you are my Min?" What I didn't notice was that a smile crept up on his lips when I said "my Min".

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