35. A New Journey

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<Y/n's POV>

-"So, what's next?" I asked.

-"We need to save Yoongi, and find a way to destroy the evil spirit of Eun Ae forever. According to what I read, the Most powerful spirits in the world, both good and evil, made a sword that maintains the balance of good and evil. For the safety of the sword and to prevent it from evil, it was broken down into several objects and each part is hidden all around the world. The location of each piece is written as riddles and are as well hidden. It is said that the only heir to the sword will be able to  join the pieces. And that only person can kill the evil down."

-"And how are we going to find the sword? And better, that heir?"

Mr Kang grinned.

-"I might not be as modern as you all, but..". He held his hand out and a flame of sky blue formed in his which soon died down revealing a smartphone (?) An expensive one though. He unlocked it, but instead of a wallpaper like any other phone, it glowed and a writing was visible on it.

The heir will be reborn in the Year of the Dog, no celebration, no trumpet. Hut above their head, soil under her feet, heart touches the earth. Series of misfortunes will follow their trail. The heir is cursed, no one will stay on their side. But the heir will acquire the good of their soul.

Precious and fragile, easy to break. Tender and selfless, she ain't a mistake.
Strong and determined, the world would shake.

Their life is a boon, to be awakened by love. Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Light and Nature, calls upon them.

The heir is no one, but the Reincarnation of the God's Lost Gift. The truth will be revealed where everything started. The heir will touch the beginning and will open the door to the locked room of the sword.

-"Waah...How are we going to find the heir with these simple yet 'non-understandable' sentences. And how will we even start finding the sword? Where is it?" As soon as I finished saying it, another phrase appeared magically on the device.

Look inside the Magic Shop


-"Now where will we find this 'Magic Shop'?"

Mr Kang thought about it.

-"I think I know where it is!"

-"So what are we waiting for? Let's go! We need to get Yoongi out of the hell and go to The Magic Shop."

-"Wait but before we go, let me introduce you to the ones who will join us in this journey."

He clapped twice and two creatures walked out from another room.

My eyes widened.



The book ends here. But not the story. We still need to revive Yoongi and find out the Sword and it's heir.

So Book 2 will be out very soon and I will try my best to give everything. It will be spicy, romantic, filled with adventure and action. It will also contain a lot about Our old characters Hea, Hyunjin, Yoongi and Eun Ae!

Look forward to the second book.

And till that, do check out "Body Swap", a comedy filled romantic and action book (I guess 😅) starring Kim Taehyung. And "Your Eyes Tell", a romantic filled book starring Jeon Jungkook about an undefined love between souls.

Thank You

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