22. Knight in shining armor

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A month later:

Narrator's POV:

A normal day in the village, filled with daily chatters. A man walked in the village, and walked through the markets when he heard two middle aged ladies speaking.

-"Have you heard that our queen left for visiting emperor Pyongwon today. It is said that it was the day where they celebrate a very large festival and emperors from various places join."

-"But I don't like that king. I heard that he is a very cruel ruler and doesn't respect anyone, except the royals and the scholars. (Whispering) I also heard he keeps a lot of concubines for himself, but is not married yet."

-"Hmm, I sympathize with the people. I am really thankful for having Queen Anhye as our ruler."

-"Yes, but I am worried about her safety. She is the only independent queen among all the rulers and many of them have lustful eyes over her, I saw them last time they visited for our celebration".

On hearing about the queen that man raised his head a bit, revealing his scar on his right eye. His stare was enough to kill someone right at that moment. So sharp, so deadly...

The man turned around to those women

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The man turned around to those women.

-"Ajhumma, do you know the road to where the festival is, I am an outsider and so I lost my path." He said with his hat down, covering his face.

-"Sure son!"

In the palace of King Pyongwon:

Narrator's POV:

Queen Anhye walked in the palace along with her men and closest court ladies. King Pyongwon welcomed them as all the visitors gathered outside the palace where various events took place. Outside the palace was a large fair, filled with people far and close. The festival went on till the evening after which everyone visited the fair. Queen Anhye and her girls had a lot of fun, eating the food made in the shops and buying handmade crafts.

But little she knew, someone was keeping an eye on her.

After the dinner in the palace, every guest went to their guest houses including queen Anhye. After getting refreshed she was talking with her maids, leaving one of them who was supposed to send for king Pyongwon, to let them know that everything was alright. But she didn't return after an hour, which tensed everyone.

As they were waiting, a stone was thrown into the room which startled everyone. A letter was wrapped on it. Anhye opened it and read..

I know you are waiting for your dear lady to return queen, but she won't be released. Come to the forest behind the palace in the midnight without any one if you want her safe. I heard she is pregnant! Then two lives depend on your appearance. So come on time, without anyone.

But something was not right. She went to the palace through the corridor which was protected by guards.

Nevertheless the night came. Queen hid a sword in her skirt and went into the forest alone. After walking for a while she heard a scream. She recognized the voice and ran to the place.

-"Ahnjong!" It was her name. She found her tied to a tree, and the rope was slightly above her abdomen. She ran to her and freed her.

-"Ahnjong-ah, are you okay? Is your child okay?"

-"Your Highness, please run away! This is a trap. They want to capture you!"

But before Anhye could turn around someone held both of her arms. She turned her head to see two men cover holding her. But her being a queen, dodged them out and took out her sword. She shielded Ahnjong and cut down a part of her skirt to reveal her fighting trousers. Both the men took out their swords as well. And the fight began.

[⚠ T/w: Mention of blood and death ⚠]

One of the men attacked her, but she blocked him with his sword and hit him in his private part with her knee as she tackled the other. She skillfully moved her sword such that his sword was on the ground and attacked his thigh, blood came out as he screamed out. Anhye held Ahnjong and started to run, when she saw around 50 men gathered around her, without any word she started to fight. However all of them attacked together and being a single person against fifty, she lost.

She was held by four men surrounded by the remaining men. All of them looked like mobsters or bandits. One of the men walked out of the crowd. He was much buff and stronger than the remaining. He stood in front of her and eyed her from head to toe. He licked his lips and spoke.

-"We have finally done our job. Anhye is in our hands. He will give us so much wealth. And yes, only I am the leader here and only I am respected in my land so don't think we will respect you, beautiful."

He smirked and licked his lips again. He placed his fingers in Anhye's chin and made her face him, forcefully.

-"But you are one of a kind. And after our hard work we need a treat. And since we have our delicious meal in front of us, why not we feast on her before handing her over?"

His eyes were filled with lust. Anhye saw that everyone else was the same. Even Ahnjong was captivated and they were looking at her badly as well.

The man who spoke came forward to her, he was about to pull the ribbon on her jacket, but he stopped. He became still and soon fell down. A sword pierced right through his heart and blood covered the ground. All of them looked straight to find a man standing far away. He was wearing villager's hanbok and his face was covered with a large straw hat. He aimed a sword at the dead man and now he took out another sword.

He smirked under the hat and started to walk forward. As men approached him, they were on the ground, dead, with just one attack of that unknown man. Soon either all the men fled away or were dead. That unknown saviour bowed down in front of the queen.

-"Your Highness, follow me, let me take you safely to your place". The voice...

Anhye recognized at once. He was her Knight; her Knight in shining armor. As they started walking, she murmured to herself.


But she didn't know someone heard it, for which a soft smile appeared on his lips under his hat.


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