Wave pt 2. New comers.

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The next morning, I found myself awoken as someone approached us, “Touch her and I will kill you" I said softly my voice cold. “I was only going to wake you" a soft voice I distinctly recognized said, “Yes well had you attempted anything else you'd have died before another word was spoken" I said stretching and waking Sakura up. “Who are you" she asked the man in a woman’s kimono.

Before he could answer one of my clones stumbled into the forest clearing looking pissed off. I looked at Sakura and shrugged “First you leave the village without me. Then I have to travel all the way here. When I get to the clients house your not even there! Naru you maybe the original but staying outside all night in unfamiliar territory and you roped Cherry into it as well" my clone said in a pissy mood.

Blinking at the irritated clone I sighed, “If you tracked me down you must have something for me if not dispel yourself or I’ll let Cherry punch you" I said rolling my eyes. Sakura was chuckling beside me and the newcomer was in shock at the clone that had crossed the elemental nation just to reach me.

My clone handed me a storage scroll and promptly dispelled itself giving me a headache. Stashing the scroll in the seal on my wrist, Sakura and I helped Haku (the mysterious person) collect healing herbs. He told us of his life as a child in his village, that his father had turned on him and his mother and how his special person found him and brought him along. We introduced ourselves and as Haku was leaving he turned towards us and smiled “By the way I'm a boy" Haku said as I snickered at Sakura's dubious look.

Sasuke found us and began looking at the two of us curious while discretely making sure we weren’t injured. “You two forget about breakfast or something? I can't believe you slept out here" Sasuke said noticing the dirt and twigs in our hair.

Even with our new intense training in the village he had never seen this side of Sakura. Sakura covered in dried sweat, dirt and twigs, a girl who didn’t even bat an eyelash now at her appearance.

Smirking to myself I lowered my head, these two are going to be hell in just a little while I thought. Sasuke watched Sakura with attentive eyes as she brushed the twigs out with her fingers before fixing her hair with her headband and service leather straps a light tan color to blend with her hair instead of making the pink pop. Taking my hair I pulled the twigs out and threw it up in a messy bun for the walk back.

Sakura shrugged her shoulders “Have you ever fought against a couple hundred shadow clones of Naruto and been able to walk away like you weren’t exhausted” she finally responded as we followed Sasuke back to the clients house.

Kakashi was sitting at the table as the three of us joined them for breakfast, “So Sakura how did you like being introduced to Uzumaki training" Kakashi asked eye smiling at us. “It was unique but very beneficial. I used up all of my chakra reserves in the mock battle and Naru would let me replenish for a few minutes so I could last longer. But we were so exhausted we fell asleep. I need to up my chakra capacity" Cherry said smiling at him.

“How many" Kakashi asked looking at me now, “Before the all out spar with Sakura or that one" I asked him in between bites of food.

“Both" he asked eyeing me for injuries, “About 36 or so before and roughly 500 with Sakura” I said as Sakura and Sasuke choked on their meal. “Do you know what chakra exhaustion is" Sasuke asked checking me over again.

“Of course I know what it is. Yes I have experienced chakra exhaustion before teme but really I'm fine" I said smiling at Sakura.

“Naruto only makes like 300 clones at a time" Sasuke mused to himself. “Yes but in making the 300 clones he has to let you do all the hard fighting because if not he goes poof and then I have to replace him. We don't need that now, besides were you able to walk inside after you trained all day with our team then had an Uzumaki training lesson afterwards" I asked him with my eyebrow raised.

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