Hyuga Clan. Joint training day two. Hyuga Clan again.

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Seeping a little of my chakra into her blood to speed up her healing and forcefully unlocking her chakra points. I left the room in a swirl of leaves in my night clothes to the Hyuga compound practically seeing red in anger. “Who touched her" I yelled startling many of the clansmen that were on their way home. A cocky branch member stepped forward, “You mean that pathetic heiress. It was easy she was headed to the house" he said eyeing my outfit. “Hiashi" I yelled my hair flying around me in anger, “Naru what is the meaning of this" Hiashi asked stepping out of the main house. “What is the meaning of this? What is the meaning of your child showing up at my house after being attacked" I asked venom seeping into my voice as the temperature around us changed. “What are you talking about. Hinata has not yet returned from her team yet" Hiashi asked pinching the bridge of his nose.
I grabbed the branch member by the back of his neck and pulled him forward to face Hiashi. “She was struck from the back before she even knew what was happening. He hit the pressure point on her neck twice implying she woke up once before it was over. He attacked her while she was unconscious" I said trying to calm myself but my voice came out like venom anyway. “Hiashi dono I was just trying to impress this lady" the branch member said hanging his head. “Naru I will deal with him and get to the bottom of this. If you will bring me my daughter I can have her healed before tomorrow" Hiashi said bowing his head. “With all due respect I have already unlocked her chakra points and sped up her healing process. She will stay with me tonight, I will escort her home tomorrow myself” I said bowing my head back at him. “Thank you Naru" he said standing tall again, turning towards the Hyuga crowded around in curiosity I glared. “This is not a threat it is a promise. The next person who touches Hinata Hyuga without Hiashi Hyuga’s approval will deal with me. I don't make idle threats, going against this will land you in the hospital for a long while. The next one of you that knocks someone unconscious before striking them in an attempt to kill them without reason, you will find yourselves 6ft under before 24 hours is up. Do I make myself clear” I asked my arms crossed under my breast and my hair flying around me still. “Hai" almost every person said shaking, smirking I disappeared in a swirl of leaves lucky that Neji was just entering the compound as I left.
Hinata was curled in my bed peacefully the red spots healing a lot quicker than the normal slow pace but quicker nonetheless. I took out a healing ointment she had made that worked wonders and applied it to her entire body while letting my own anger dissipate. Pulling a nightgown over her head she woke up and pulled me down to join her much like an eager sibling. Chuckling I curled around her protectively falling asleep quickly.

3rd person point of view
Neji walked with his head held high to the main house, leaves were falling to the ground and one person from the branch family was standing in front of a pissed off Hiashi. “Hiashi sama, I have returned from my mission. May I ask what is going on" Neji asked tentatively not to sure about his Uncle and his wrath. “Ahh Neji, I take it your mission was easy" Hiashi asked him seriously. “Hai. The most we did today was training this morning" Neji said bowing his head confused by his Uncles appearance outside of the house.“Good then I have a proposal for you. This man has attacked Hinata from behind knocking her out and then proceeded to turn off her chakra network. It seems your cousin awoke in the middle of it and he knocked her out again doubling the size of the wound on her neck" Hiashi said catching Neji's eyes. “How has she already come to? Where is Hinata? Didn't you make a statement about no one touching Hinata in a spar until after the Chunin exams" Neji asked anger clouding his mind.
“Neji it seems that she awoke enough to reach Naru’s home. Naru came here herself without Hinata and demanded to know who touched Hinata” Hiashi replied cooling Neji's anger momentarily but catching his attention. “Well as it would seem this man admitted to Naru that he did it. He told me he said those things because he wanted to impress Naru. She looked as if she was going to bed" Hiashi said before noticing his mistake. Neji was mad enough that his Byakugan activated on instinct, “Did you touch Hinata sama while she was unconscious” Neji asked the man before Hiashi. The man looked at Neji wide eyed “I did. She is a disgrace to this clan. But to bad that girl that showed up likes Hinata. She was nice to look at" he said not realizing the pain he was about to be in. “We are an esteemed clan. We don't use our kekkei genkai against an unconscious person” Neji said making the man turn around and proceed to strike him with his eight trigrams 64 palms. “Don't you ever think about touching another unconscious person. I catch any of you eyeballing Naru that way again I will send you to the hospital myself" Neji exclaimed deactivating his Byakugan and bowing his head to Hiashi.
“By the way Neji, Naru said she will be escorting Hinata home tomorrow herself so an incident like this not happen again" Hiashi said smirking at the love stricken nephew of his who just wouldn't admit it to save his life. “Hai Hiashi sama" Neji replied walking away with a small smile on his face.

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