Ninjutsu, Chakra exercises.

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The next morning it was 5am as we got up, not noticing Shikamaru in bed with us I threw the covers on him. Hinata and me got out our clothes and went to the bathroom to change because a snore alerted us to his presence. Snickering we got dressed and slipped our shoes on before entering the kitchen. Making a quick breakfast of oatmeal and fruit we ate ours, leaving two steaming hot bowls of oatmeal for the boys knowing they would eat momentarily. Going out back I made 250 clones sending them to work on elemental training as me and Hinata began our morning warm ups. Running at her pace we talked casually before taking a small break as the guys began their warm ups. "Thanks for breakfast girls" Shikamaru said before taking off running. "Yes thank you my cute little imouto's" Kakashi said nodding his head as he took off after Shikamaru. Rolling our eyes fondly we got a water before beginning tree walking. Concentrating I was about to walk up the tree when I remembered the taijutsu scroll for Sakura. Stopping myself I made 50 clones and sent half to tree walking and half to water walking.  Walking inside I opened the family library doors, it had been awhile since I was in here.

The library was warm and inviting, there was a couple couches in there. One had a purple blanket draped over the side and was worn in, no one ever sat there. This spot was my mother's, Kaka nii had told me about all the times his team found my mother reading in the library. Going to a section of the library that held my parent's scrolls I smiled guiding the ones on taijutsu. My father's taijutsu was speed based, my mothers was water based with a katana. I knew both taijutsu and had ended up making my own between the two with shadow clones. Kakashi walked in finding me checking to make sure I wouldn't get caught up reading again. Grabbing the scroll with my mother's handwriting on it that said Tsunade I smiled. Kakashi told me my mom wrote out Tsunade's taijutsu because she wasn't ever going to do it herself. My mother had even been explained how to do the strength of 100 seal like Mito and Tsunade both. I had learned baachan's taijutsu but it didn't fit me, I also had adapted to start gathering the chakra for the seal on my forehead like both women before me. I may never use it but I had found it fascinating.

Exiting the library with just the taijutsu scroll first and not the scroll on the 100 healing seal Kakashi escorted me back outside with them. He activated the seal on the back of my neck before leaving, making a clone and having it henge the clone ran off. Shikamaru and Hinata met up with me and we began out walk to the training grounds. Sakura joined us first with a scroll in her hand as well, "You took care of lunch yesterday so I thought I would today. This ANBU with a cat mask appeared and helped me making sure my mother wasn't around. She gave me this scroll and asked that you have a clone give it back to her please Naru" Sakura said smiling at us. "That's very nice of you Sakura. I will return it to cat neechan this afternoon, I also have something for you Sakura. One taijutsu scroll of a medical ninja, this scroll I do believe will help you. I have studied this scroll and learned how to actually use it effectively but I do not plan to be a medic. If I can somehow convince baachan to come back maybe she will be able to help you more" I said handing her the scroll. "Thank you so much" Sakura said hugging me, shocked I stood there before patting her back lightly. "Your welcome. Now I need to alter the seal to respond to you but after that it is all yours" I said smiling at her. I pulled out a brush and added Sakura's chakra into the mix before letting it dry.

Walking into the clearing Ino was talking to Choji and smiling while sharing chips with him. "What happened" Tenten asked confused standing beside Neji and Lee. Checking the seal I handed the scroll back to Sakura, "It is a very important scroll and I have full faith you will be able to utilize it well. Don't rush though it will come to you naturally. The scroll has protections only certain people will be able to read it and fewer are able to open the scroll. It also can not be destroyed" I said seriously. "Arigato Naru. I will take this seriously" she said a gleam in her eye. Smiling I backed up and looked at Neji, he was studying me from a distance today. No one said anything to Tenten's questions. My clone walked into the clearing having a conversation with Sasuke. Smiling wistfully, I began stretching with almost everyone following suit. "Hey Naru want to race" my clone asked with a smirking Sasuke beside it. "Only if you're prepared to lose" I replied rolling my eyes fondly.

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