Starting over with Ino

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We reappeared in Hinata's room grabbing an overnight scroll and a scroll with 4 of her fighting kimonos. We also grabbed a scroll that all I could see was formal much to my dismay. Leaving the room in a flash of yellow and red alerting Hiashi and Neji both, we appeared in my bedroom.

"I think I'm getting used to the hiraishin. Oh, Naru I am going to be so lectured. Did you see the look on father's face when I corrected myself" Hinata said babbling as she rushed? "Calm yourself Hinata. He is not mad at you so stop. Yes, your father is a weird one I'll admit but your father understands some of what we are trying to fix. He looked at you and was fighting himself as you bowed. He gave that same look to Neji who he knows he has done wrong by" I said pulling her extra kimono scroll out and hanging the outfits in my closet.

Nodding Hinata soaked in the information I gave her and began to put her clothes in the space in my room I had reserved for her years ago. "I brought clothes for us for dinner," Hinata said shaking the scroll I had eyeballed earlier. "If it is formal I don't want to wear it" I replied pouting, Hinata laughed while unsealing the scroll.

"The Hokage gave me these" Hinata said holding up my mother's pale yellow kimono shirt with a black obi and black stitching, with black shorts. Hinata was holding a lavender kimono shirt without stitching and a black obi with black shorts. "He just knows how to make me emotional huh," I asked smiling at her. She chuckled and the two of us began to change our clothing and leave our shoes in the bedroom. Hinata tied my obi and I tied hers before we left our headbands on the dresser and began our journey into the kitchen.

Kakashi nii was sitting at the island reading, "Ahh my cute little imoutos. How has your evening been? I thought after last night Hiashi wouldn't let you out of clan walls Hinata" Kakashi asked pulling us into a hug. "I kidnapped her dattebayo" I blurted out smiling a huge smile. "Naru what did I tell you about kidnapping clan heads children," Kakashi asked playing along amusement in his eye.

We were joined by the Yamanaka family who stood quietly. "To not to and that one time was on accident seriously. Shikamaru forgot to tell Yoshino he was going to be here dattebayo but in all reality, Hiashi asked her to come with me if I will go there tomorrow" I said pouting. Hinata laughed along with Inoichi and Izumi. They had Ino behind them so she couldn't see us yet, "I figured as much" he said chuckling as I led everyone into the dining room.

"Come dinner is already prepared. What would you like to drink Inoichi, Izumi" I asked politely while they sat on one side of the table and I sat on the other with Hinata on one side and Kakashi on the other. "Sake" Izumi said before Inoichi could, nodding I made two clones to bring out three sake cups, a bottle of sake and three glasses of tea. Facing us Ino looked worse for wear, "What is wrong Ino" Hinata asked politely. "I haven't had the best day. Say Hinata you're friends with Naruto do you know why the villagers treat him like that" Ino asked curiously.

Hinata tensed up her anger spiking as her eyes were trying to activate, "Hina it's fine. I'm right here stop" I said calming her down. "This village is full of idiots who can't tell difference between a kunai and a scroll Ino. They mistreat Naruto for something they don't understand as civilians and really dumb shinobi" Hinata said through gritted teeth.

Ino looked like she had been slapped, Hinata the shy nice girl of the Academy had insulted her indirectly. "I tried to find Naruto after our mission but it was like he disappeared," Ino said just now noticing me for the first time. "What are you doing here," she asked earning a slap to the back of her head by her father. "This is my home Ino. I believed Asuma Sensei when he said it was time to trust you. Don't make me go back on it" I said glaring at her, she shrunk in her seat and nodded.

My clones brought out 6 plates with steak, rice, and mixed vegetables. Setting the plates correctly down in front of everyone Hinata looked at one of my copies hopefully. It nodded at her winking, "You're not eating all the cinnamon rolls before bed Hinata" I said chuckling as she pouted. Ino looked at Hinata and me in wonder, "Hinata is like my sister. Shikamaru and duck ass are like my brothers" I said smirking at her.

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