Departure, Demon twins, the 7 deadly swordsmen, Cherries Uzumaki training.

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Announcement: Sorry it has taken so long to get this out. This has been a very hectic time, I am still writing this but I am also trying to fix things in the story that I accidently wrote like Mebuki's hair she isn't supposed to be the pink haired and I know that. I also messed that up and am slowly working on fixing it here and on my other naruto fanfiction and another fanfiction I have that is this story being watched by the past. I haven't decided if I want to upload it yet or not but I might. Thank you to everyone for being patient and I will get another chapter uploaded soon. This is not abandoned I promise.

Arriving at the gates with 15 minutes to spare, the old drunk and Kakashi were both missing. Sasuke and Naruto were standing by the gate guards stand, Izumo and Kotetsu(the village's two eternal gate guards that look lazy but could kill you if they really wanted) approached us as we got near asking about whether we were excited to be going outside the village. We mainly chatted about the fact that we were headed to the wave and the temple that Sakura had gotten us permission to visit on the way back to the village. Izumo and Kotetsu looked deep in thought with smiles on the faces. "You be careful in them ruins. Your momma didn't think anything was left standing, so she never went. She also said that everything is done with seals Naru, when in doubt nick your thumb. There are seals like that everywhere from your parents, I don't even know all of them even. Your mother did say that's where the pranking nature comes from" Hiashi said his voice low making the gate guards jump.

Chuckling I bowed my head to him in greeting, "Who all knows we're going to the ruins" I asked looking at Sakura. "Hinata informed me, I was lucky to catch you before you left. But knowing your sensei... Any way Neji also had a clone of yours looking for him as I was leaving the compound" Hiashi said a small smile on his face. "She will be looking awhile. Neji is normally with his team. I wonder how long it will take her to figure out that all she has to do is look for his chakra" I said with a smirking Sakura beside me. "I will be on my way. Come by for dinner when you get back Naru. Be careful" Hiashi said continuing on his way. "Wonder what he was really doing" I mused to myself.

Kakashi appeared 5 minutes before our meeting time with a cleaned-up bridge builder who seemed to freeze when he laid eyes on me. Izumo and Kotetsu the gate guards raised their eyebrows at me in question and I just shrugged as Sakura snickered behind her hand. Sasuke was smirking as we bid goodbye to the two and left through the gates taking up a formation with me in front and Kakashi in the rear.

We traveled like this for a couple days with no problems, our topics always varied but Naruto kept Sasuke busy and Sakura the ever one with a thirst for knowledge always was asking something. On our fourth day of travel Naruto and Sasuke had made their way back to the topic of swords while Sakura was reading a medical textbook from a scroll on my arm. I was making random rude anbu signals to Kakashi who was smirking while signing back about my mom whopping my ass if she were here while he pretended to read.

Sasuke and my clone were discussing the different pros and cons about a sword once again as Kakashi smiled and told them that he used a tanto once upon a time. This got both of their attentions and they engaged in a discussion with Kaka nii about his use of a tanto and how well it worked. By the end of the conversation we were approaching a puddle of water off to the side of the road, looking at the puddle then looking at Kakashi. He nodded at me telling me to leave it for now. Sakura and Sasuke both followed my line of sight as we gathered closer to the bridge builder whose name, I had discovered was Tazuna as he and Sakura had talked. The water puddle held two signatures within. 20 seconds after we passed it these chains erupted from it wrapping around Kakashi. Winking at us he was ripped to shreds and a male voice said "one down" as two bodies materialized that I recognized.

Smirking I pulled my Naruto clone over to stand by Sakura who had taken up her defensive position and Sasuke had withdrawn a kunai. The demon brothers of the mist headed after the four of us and Sasuke pinned their chain to a tree engaging one of them. Approaching the other I hit the pressure point in one of his arms rendering it useless and pulling the other behind his back. "Is he near? Who is he working for" I asked my voice low in a whisper as I held the man still, "Don't know what your talking about girlie. I just need the bridge builder" the man said swallowing quickly. Claws extended from the arm between the two of us pressing against my abdomen "Retract your claws or I will show you what a true demon looks like that makes Zabuza look like a speck beneath my foot" I said calmly making the man sweat. The brother in my arm was shaking so bad his clawed hand began to jerk near my stomach, I could feel Kakashi's watchful worried expression from within the trees on the side of the road. Rolling my eyes, I used chakra coated fingertips and pressed pressure points in his neck knocking him out. I took his chain from him with his claws and his brothers placing them in an empty storage scroll.

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