Meeting team 7. Choji knows...

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Getting out of bed at 5 a.m. on autopilot I got dressed in training clothes and headed into the training area out back. Making 500 clones I sent them around to do their own activities. Activating my resistance seals I added 20 lbs overall before I began physical training of the morning making my muscles burn at the added weight. Kakashi, Shikaku, Hinata, Mito, and Shikamaru had joined me shortly after I started.

Not letting the clones memories hinder me as Shika and Hina eliminated them I focused on running and getting used to the weight before going faster and straining my muscles. There was an slight uncomfortable burn all over my body when Kakashi called time.

"Breakfast! Come on" Yoshino Nara yelled from my kitchen doorway.

Smiling I shook my head, taking off with the others while drinking a bottle of water. "You didn't have to do this Yoshino."

"It's no problem Naruto. I enjoy it" Yoshino said making sure none of us were hurt.

"Thank you" I said smiling at her again, while beginning to eat breakfast. She had set a cup of coffee and orange juice in front of me, flushing Hinata had questions in her eyes.

"So Naru. Neji came home with a red cheek, would you happen to know why?"

Blinking innocently I pouted "He did?" Shikamaru snorted from beside me.

"Naru. What did he say to you?"

"Nothing much. It was mainly anger Hina, he accused me of abandoning him. I mean he's not wrong" I said biting my lower lip.

"You didn't abandon him Naruto Uzumaki. He needs to watch what he says. He's upset thinking you abandoned him but you're the one afraid he will abandon you. Well then" Hinata said the gears in her head twirling.

"I know" I said banging my head on the table.

"Naru honey he is a shinobi and a smart one from what I've gathered. If he can't tell the difference in a kunai and a scroll then send him to our compound. We'll talk some sense into the boys head" Yoshino said smiling at us.

Blushing I thanked her without looking up, I could practically feel Shikamaru, Shikaku and Kakashi's eyes burning holes in my head. I could sense the threat lingering in the three guys posture and the promised pain was clear in Shikamaru's normally lazy eyes. Mito was only quiet as she kept sneaking looks at Kakashi.

"I'm going to get ready before school" I said leaving the table. Hinata followed me as I yelled back "Leave the dishes Yoshino. I'll get them with clones" before two clones popped into existence beside me. The clones nodded before taking off away from me to do the dishes.

Jiji had sent multiple copies of the outfit he had picked out for my picture, getting one out Hinata changed into her old pants and jacket over a mesh armor shirt.

"When do we burn the jumpsuits" she asked smiling at me, "I'll let you burn them soon enough" I said chuckling and moving my hair. She activated the seal with a frown, "I'll reveal who I really am to everyone soon enough Hina" I said linking arms with her and walking back down stairs.

Shikaku had left for work, Yoshino told us bye on her way out and Kakashi had already left as well. A clone of mine shoved 11 bentos in the seal on my arm along with bottles of water. Mito hugged us both as she got ready for another shift at the hospital.

"Troublesome let's go" he said and we all used the shunshin to the academy roof. Henging myself, Shikamaru left first and me and Hinata walked in together. Kiba looked at me closely as I walked in, "This is for graduates only" he said bearing his teeth in a smile.

The classroom quietened down and everyone focused on me. The girls started gossiping about Hinata finally letting me know of her crush. I snorted quietly while Hinata giggled. The girls were so clueless. Shikamaru had a smirk on his face as he watched from his seat beside Choji.

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