Letting Sakura in... Hanabi's wake up call.

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"Shikamaru we can begin your fire training with the girls at the compound. Hinata we will use your lightning as a trump, Naru well we will use your elements as a trump period. Now how about you go and walk trees girls. We don't need another water episode" Kakashi said lowly from behind us. "Hai Kaka nii" the three of us said together in whispers. Shikamaru left us for Choji and the two of us began climbing two trees next to each other. Going to the top I opened the note still in my palm as I sat down.

I am worried about you. Your usually so optimistic and out going. But today I saw the look in your eyes, it wasn't you. That look was the sad broken girl you hide away, I don't want you to be that girl. Naru no matter what happens you always will be the sun in this village. You don't have to hide but I am sorry I couldn't talk to you with everyone around. These training sessions are not easy for me, there's Hinata sama. Then my teammate Lee who believes that he can be great and the boy Naruto who was dead last acts like he can be great as well. I just want to make sure you are okay' the note said without his signature but I knew it was his.

Standing up I hopped out of the tree, my birthday was in about 3 weeks and he acts like I can be this ball of sunshine. I could be, I know what life does and how it treats you but I can do this. One day I'll be Hokage. I thought to myself approaching Kakashi, Asuma and Kurenai both smiled down at me. "What can I do for my cute little imouto" Kakashi asked as Hinata joined us. "I need that to play the dead last every joint training session we have together. If I want to change this village then deception is going to be the way to go. I've done it this long it wont hurt to last till the chunin exams. By the way are you joining us for dinner at the Hyuga compound tonight" I said smiling. "No I am not joining you there girls. I worry that if I were to come then the already hospitalized clan member would find himself there longer or permanently" Kakashi said innocently eye smiling. Hinata giggled, "Well at least your honest" she said smiling at him. 

"Training same time in the morning girls" Kakashi said nodding at us, "Hai Kaka nii" we replied walking off together.

"So what did the note say" Hinata asked as we stood on a tree branch upside down. "Fate driven nonsense. He said he doesn't like the look he saw today but that no matter what I'm the sun in this village. I ought to slap some sense into him now if I thought it would do any good" I said looking at her. She sighed "Naru why don't you just do it now. It might actually be beneficial if you do" she said. "Chunin exams, you know they like to have clan members fight each other at the end. I know you though you'll refuse to win. I will fight him through luck and when I do we'll begin our changes" I said nodding my head at her. "You know me to well" she said a small smile on her face. "It's why were sisters" I said smiling at her. "How could I forget? Let's go help Sakura she looks like she's trying not to kill Ino" Hinata said pointing to the two girls at the edge of the water. Ino was not getting the water walking like Sakura had and it was frustrating her and irritating Sakura. Giggling we hopped down and joined the two of them slowly. "How did you even get this so quickly" Ino groaned her foot sinking into the water below.

Laughing I sat her down with the rest of us on the grass, "Your trying to hard" Hinata said gesturing to the lake. "It's not like the tree climbing we did is it Sakura" I asked. "No for tree climbing we had to do a set amount of chakra for it so that it would break and we wouldn't fall" she replied smiling at Ino. "Exactly so the water isn't like the tree Ino. What is water known for" I asked her. "It's always moving" she said looking at what appeared to be a calm lake. "Yes it's always moving and so your chakra should be changing with the water. It takes more concentration" I said smiling at her. "You can't force it to bend to your will Ino. You need to take it in stride one step at a time" Hinata said placing her feet on the water lightly. They were being held up by chakra but you could see the flux of output in chakra on her heels. "Thanks guys" Ino said understanding the water walking better. Standing we all joined her as she exclaimed in joy that she got it finally. Giggling we kept on walking the water until Kakashi called time, Sasuke and Naruto my clone had just got the water walking down. Choji, Shikamaru and Shino had joined us at some point. Kiba was resting he had used all his chakra on the tree exercise by trying to force it at will.

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