Eliminating Gato

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 Kaka nii and I met up with team Gai at Gato's headquarters at the edge of the forest opposite the village backed up to a large body of water. How this idiot had kept his fortress hidden from his prisoners in the village made no sense.

The six of us politely greeted one another as we began the raid on the compound. Kakashi went with Tenten before we took off into the palace. We split up on the top level. Gai went with Lee and ran the middle floor, Neij stuck by me as we ran the main floor.

We were taking all the deeds and the treasure he had stashed throughout the place. Neji was never too far from me as we went through the house. I made sure to send out several clones. So that the mission could be completed. Kakashi had informed me the Hokage had said rid the world of anything to do with Gato.

 One of my clones came across a dungeon down below the main floor filled with women, children, and some men. But one man looked like a picture I had seen in Tazuna’s house. My clone dismissed herself and I took off to the basement/dungeon with a concerned Neji not to far behind me.

Gato had been working with Orochimaru and used an experimented clone to frighten the village. The scum had been sending children to the snake as payment and protection.

We had to call Mito back from her journey home but to the hideout. It was like she had been waiting and she came to heal any injured and check on all the children.

I personally healed Kaiza telling him about Inari and Tsunami. I told him how Tazuna had continued to try and give them a better life. He was so relieved to find out they were okay that he finally passed out.

Relief flooded my body, “Naru, are you okay” Neji asked softly. His lavender eyes took in the dead thugs scattered around on the floor. I nodded not looking at the death around us. I or my clones had killed every thug we came across, especially the ones talking about the prisoners. I was the cause of the death but I couldn’t tell Neji that.

My clone had found several important documents in the basement and sealed them up handing them to Mito before walking off with a unconscious Kaiza. I stopped on a patio that a Kakashi clone and Gai were both standing on. “Who are you… oh Naru" Kakashi said quietly. “I healed him. We should probably take him back to his family. Tsunami would appreciate it" I replied softly.

Gai took Kaiza and gently laid him down. “We will be taking most of these people to Wave with us. He is definitely needed back in his home. But I believe you and my team set Inari back on the straight and narrow path” Kakashi said eyeing Neji who was behind me. To most Kakashi’s gaze would look dull and uninterested, I could see his concern and taking in the small specks of blood sprayed on my clothing.

“Are you okay Naru?”

“I, I’ll be fine Neji. Thank you" I said softly. I had never liked killing but I had never openly shown anyone but Kakashi, Hinata and Shikamaru. “This is a part of our career path we have chosen but it does get easier.”

“That much I do know. I chose this life for myself Neji. Plenty of people tried to persuade me to do something else. Anything else besides what I do. While I may have avoided the public does not mean I have not been on missions before.”

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