Training. Meeting Konohamaru. Lost a bet to Jiji.

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About 5 am I awoke to find myself between Hinata and Shikamaru, smiling I stretched getting out of bed quietly. Kakashi was at the door of my room waiting on me as we left a clone to cook while we trained. Mito stretched a did a light work out with Kakashi. Making about 500 clones to start training elemental chakra techniques and some sparing.

I began my physical training since it didn't get retained by the shadow clones. They were great for muscle memory but not conditioning. Doing push ups, sit ups, crunches, squats, planks, leg raises and laps until I could feel the sweat rolling down my face.

“If we’re to keep Sakura from dying and Sasuke from defecting we will have to train them similarly to how we train Nii-san.”

I currently was bent over taking waters from the cooler we kept filled. Shikamaru grunted from his spar with a shadow clone and Hinata obliterated 4 of my clones with her clans gentle fist but she moved quick and flexible like water.

“Time! We should go eat" Kakashi said as Shikamaru dismembered another clone with his shadow stitching.

“Dispel one every 10 seconds except the 250 working on elemental jutsus and 50 on chakra exercises” I said dismissing what was left of 200 clones. The three of us high fived as we followed Kakashi and Mito inside, “If anyone could see us training with multiple Naruto's they would think we were nuts" Hinata said giggling.

“It would be troublesome.”

Shikamaru stood behind us to make sure we went in before him. “I think Naruto’s onto something though, it’s a good idea for all of the genin squads to train like we do. Maybe not with all the clones or the anbu level training. We need to do hard training that will benefit each one individually and then as a whole. Ino is not only on a diet she’s a fan girl like Sakura. And you guys have trained with Choji, he hasn’t quite learned that its okay to stand up for those you care about.”

Shikamaru looked serious while thinking with his hands in their signature thinking pose, as we all sat around the table that the clone had prepared. Me and Hinata shared a small smile from across the table. Choji was a very good friend, but he was gentle. A lot like Hinata is with most people.

“Why do my clones hate me?"  Shaking my head slightly, I looked at a grinning Hinata. Mito snorted lightly and Kakashi’s gaze focused on Mito.

“Your clones don't hate you They just have your unique personality Naru."
Hinata sweetly smiled, Kakashi and Shikamaru talked about how to get the other sensei's to agree to this kind of testing.

“Why don't you talk to Jiji and have and him agree to the idea. Then make you, Kurenai, Asuma, Gai all meet up twice a week for group testing exercises with our squads. It would split up our groups and make us work with others and help others realize they don't know everything." I pointed my chopsticks at them.

Shikamaru stared at me for a few moments before nodding, “See she found a conventional way that doesn't involve pulling peoples arms.” He turned to Kakashi who looked like he was pained. Mito chuckled and Kakashi nudged her in the side lightly.

“Why Gai?”

“It will do Ino and Sakura good to not only see Kurenai but see Tenten train. She is dedicated and hard working. The three of our teams that will pass this year are mainly clan heirs, we are all almost clan children including Gai’s team.” Rolling my eyes at him, Kakashi really could be childish. But Gai was his best friend.

“Hinata is going to be the real shocker though since they both watched her in the academy. But our teams need this, we don't need to be afraid that Sakura or Ino will die from not eating or because they can't do something. Because of our standards lowering the girls learn to arrange flowers and manners. They don’t learn about being a kunochi. Sakura thinks Sasuke is going to save her if she ends up in danger. None of the girls beside me and Hinata know he’d let them die right now.”

“I don't know how willingly Gai will agree to it because of Neji. But your right we need to snap them out of this fairytale illusion they think being a kunochi is." Kakashi sighed he knew Gai was a great teacher and a lot smarter than most people took him for.

“Leave the Gai situation to me."

Finishing my breakfast, I realized Shika was staring at me with a small appreciative smile on his face. “What is going to be the point of me being your adviser when you become Hokage if you think of better solutions than I do. Troublesome.” 

Giggling I looked at Shika shocked, “I can only think of better solutions when this is something I have thought long and hard on. You have to be my advisor Shika.”

Said shadow user smiled genuinely at me, it sounded a lot like he said, “As long as people keep their hands off my sisters, and I don’t end up in T&I”. 

Hinata blushed and Kakashi fist bumped him, “I’m right there with you.” The two boys agreed as shadow clones came through and began removing the dishes from the table. Mito laughed grabbing her wolf pendant from the tray behind Kakashi. Kakashi watched her intently as she clasped it around her neck and rested it below her shirt.

“Well, you two better go and get registered. I have to go get dressed before registration.”

Dread settled in the pit of my stomach. Hinata laughed a look full of mirth and anticipation.

“I'll go with you. I have to see what Hokage sama picked out.”

“Thanks, Hina." Smiling at her gratefully, Kakashi and Shikamaru smiled as the two of us walked away. Mito shook her head and followed us up to my room.

Walking to the closet I pulled out a covered outfit and laid it on the bed lightly, Hinata wasted no time as she peaked at the outfit as I took a quick shower.

Joining her in the room with my hair wrapped up in a towel and another towel around me. On the bed was a short black sleeveless fighting kimono top. It had soft yellow flowers and Uzumaki swirls along the trim, a pale orange obi that matched the inside color of the fabric that flowed down the sides. There was a short black skirt that blended with the kimono top with the flowers and swirls along the trim. Combined with the kimono top outfit looked like it was one piece.

Between the fabric of the entire outfit was a mesh armor layer that protected my body from any harm. It was going to be great for stealth, there were two detached sleeves that tied at the elbow and hung down over the hands concealing any weapons or seals on my forearms. There were bandage wrappings beside the outfit, they were black and pale orange to match the outfit. There was a pair of pale orange ninja shorts with black stripes down the sides laying with it and black heeled kunoichi sandals.

Putting undergarments on first I slipped on the kimono top and skirt and Hinata tied the Obi at my back. She attached the sleeves at my elbows securing them in a bow, slipping the black heeled sandals that reach my knee on. I moved to look at myself in the mirror. Hinata was giddy, smiling at me while she looked me up and down before unsealing her own outfit.

Mito whistled lowly. “You look so much like Sensei and Kushina its unreal. This you, I would love to see every day from now on. No more hiding, no more fakes. Just you sweetie. They would be so proud of you like we are. You too Hinata. Get dressed hurry, mini Hitomi.”

Hinata blushed before she slipped on a navy-blue skirt with armor mesh under the top layer of fabric, lilac shorts, and a white long sleeved lilac kimono top lined on the inside with armor mesh. The sleeves had white see through lace at the ends and a navy blue edged with lilac obi that I stood behind her and tied. She stepped into her own knee length black ninja sandals. Removing the genjutsu on her hair it flowed down her back in midnight blue curls.

Taking the towel off my head I brushed my hair out slipping my headband in place that framed my face like my father's hair in the front and cascaded like my mothers’ down the back. Mito grabbed a special fan hair stick set in two colors from a scroll and placed them in mine and Hinata’s hair keeping our hair from being a liability. It pinned part of our hair up on our heads but they could also be used as weapons.

“Jiji knows what he's talking about. This is actually really comfy. He did good with picking the colors and cloth. You look amazing Hina, I’m so glad he chose that design for you." Smiling as she attached her ninja pouch to her thigh. It dawned on me that Mito was still watching silently. “You helped pick the outfits!”

Mito laughed quietly nodding her head as I attached a pouch to each thigh and storage seals holding my scrolls, ink and seal paper on the obi around my waist.

“Thank you and you look amazing Naru” Hina said hugging me. She tied her headband around her neck like usual where she enjoyed it on display. It also doubled as a protector for her neck, there was armor mesh and seals inside the material. Mine was the same just in my hair.

Finished the two of us connected eyes momentarily before tackling Mito on the bed. Giggling she hugged us close to her. “You two deserve the very best. I’m so proud of you two and you will both along with Shikamaru keep up to date on field medicine and your medical ninjutsu. I don’t want you to ever go through what we did as kids.”

Mito kissed each of us on the forehead as she stood us up and made sure we were good to go. “Okay ladies. Go I have a shift and a Jounins to go harass.” Hugging Mito tightly one last time we smiled at each other.

“No one is going to know what hit them. Let's go." Hinata grabbed my arm making the two of us disappear. She left me on the roof in the shadows as she left and grabbed our paperwork.

Luckily, we were the only two on the roof with Genzo, Hinata went first and then left me on the roof after telling me that she would see me in a little while. She had a clan to go and confuse. Laughing I watched her blue hair disappear into the building.

Taking a deep breath, I approached Genzo who took my registration form and smiled at me kindly.

“A bet" he asked smirking.

“Jiji won Genzo." I fidgeted with the edge of my sleeves and my hands.

“Well, you look great. Mito and the Hokage chose well Naruto, you look like both of them. They are definitely smiling down on you child." He was staring at me softly a smile on his face.

“Thank you Genzo. Can we get this done, no one needs to see me like this."

Laughing he took my picture while watching me, “Here you go Naru. Turn, I'll activate your seal. I look forward to the day I see your true self amongst your peers in the village.”

“Thank you again." I took the paper from him and letting him activate the seal. Henging into my male form I smiled slightly and waved before bounding off to Jijis office.

Stepping into the office it was just the two of us as I gave him my form and sat down in the chair before him.

“I thought you were going to quit with the charades?" Jiji was eyeing my male form with a look of distaste.

“It's just the henge. The outfit you selected is actually really comfy and easy to move in Jiji. I think I'll continue wearing it."
“I'm glad you like it Naruto, but you also need to let more people in. I am being serious child.” Jiji was serious as he sat puffing on his pipe.

In his hands he was staring at my profile with a picture of me in the new outfit with my hair down and more feminine features.

“I'm lucky Hinata and Mito were there this morning. I don't know about all the girl stuff that well and pretending to be a boy is so much easier ya know. I just wore shorts and shirts or my uniform before." Jiji laughed as he thought of the clothes Kakashi had picked for me.

“You only have until the Chuunin exams for the rest of the village and I'm not playing. You can’t lie to your teammates. I will have your detail watching your teammates after your bell test and you inform them. If they can’t handle it, I will be informed, and they will be taken care of. But I think you would be surprised.” Jiji smiled at me, you could see the guilt and sadness in his eyes.

“Yeah, but I don't know how anyone will react because I'm a girl. What if they despise me or turn on me? What if they think I hid to get close to them to take the duck butt away? Or Sasuke’s going to think I abandoned him because I haven’t seen him as myself since that night. And Sakura already doesn’t like the boy Naruto. What makes you think she is going to like the girl Naruto anymore?” 

Jiji chuckled lightly, amused at my reveal of insecurity. The office door opened, and a little boy ran in with a helmet on his head and a scarf that was way to long for his body.

“On guard old man! Right" the little boy says falling to the ground face first. I look at Jiji who sighed, there are footsteps fast approaching the door before a much older person burst through the door pushing up his glasses.

“Aha" the man says looking around, “Owwww" the little boy says rubbing his forehead.

Smirking I lean back in my chair, “I get it. It's a trap right" the little boy ask jumping to his feet.

“Are you alright, honorable grandson? And for the record there are no traps here" the older man says scolding the child.

“Eh Jiji who's the kid" I ask raising my eyebrow, “Kid" the child ask incredulously. The man beside the child looks at me and I can tell what he's thinking. Scoffing I roll my eyes ‘Always the same with adults. And he wonders why I won't say I'm a girl’ I thought shaking my head clear.

“Aha so you tripped me! It was you! Right" the little boy exclaimed irritating me more than the man beside him. Grabbing him by his scarf and top of his shirt I lifted him up to eye level glaring while staying calm.

“You fell over your own feet and this ridiculously long scarf that you shouldn't be wearing."

“Unhand him, Naruto! That boy happens to be the grandson of our revered lord. The Third Hokage" the man said making the child in my hands smirk.

Rolling my eyes I signed “sorry” to Jiji in ANBU signals, ‘I'm the daughter of the fourth Hokage and the whirlpool princess and I don't act like this. Dumbass’ I thought looking at the child.

“What he said" the child replied smugly.

“I'm not sorry” I signed to Jiji who nodded at me. Hitting him in the head and out of my hand he fell on his butt.

“I don't care if he was your grandmother. Damn entitled child. And you keep encouraging this behavior and all you will have is a punk kid who never does anything. He will never make Hokage being handed everything. Your narrow mindedness will be your downfall one day. Not everything is how others make it seem. If you knew who some of us really were you wouldn’t be running your mouth.”

I had stepped closer to Ebisu my voice was a whisper of the wind at the last part that I shouldn’t have said. Before walking out the office and waving behind my head to Jiji.

Knowing I was being followed by the kid I opted to ignore him as I walked around.

Sighing after 15 minutes of horrible hiding spots. “Come out idiot. You can't disguise yourself correctly if the sheet is sideways" I exclaimed my eye twitching.

“You are good like they said. Teach me” he exclaimed pumping his fist.

“No. I have Ninja things to do and besides this is life. You don't get everything you want handed to you on a silver platter kid. Go away."

After he continued to follow me for 30 more minutes, I walked into the woods and towards a clearing. He followed me eagerly to watch what I was going to do.

“So boss, what are you going to teach me first. Your sexy jutsu? Please I need to defeat gramps. I'll do anything, please teach me" he asked excited. Rolling my eyes, I sat on a fallen tree facing him.

“No. Trust me you don't need that technique at your age. That will get you in a lot of trouble kid." I was thinking about that stupid jutsu now. ‘It may be unconventional, but it worked to distract the male population and incapacitate them. Wonder if I could make various male versions to distract the women.’

“But, but you defeated the Hokage with it" he said pouting.

“And? Look we will start with unlocking your chakra. Sit and meditate, clear your thoughts, and find your pool of chakra. Look deep within you where the steady hum of energy comes from. When you find that pool of chakra then,  imagine your pulling the plug." I made him sit in front of me to meditate.

I sat there working on sealing matrices while watching him for two hours. Sensing a influx of chakra I unsealed a couple of lunch bentos from my arm. His chakra flared lightly as it filled his system before returning to normal.

“Eat, we can talk, and I'll tell you what to do next afterwards." I held a lunch out for him, “Okay, thank you” he said taking a lunch from me carefully.

“Why do you have issues with Jiji kid?"

I waited until he closed his eyes in thought and used a shunshin to teleport us to the top of the Hokage monument for more privacy.

He stared at me wide eyed looking at the change of scenery before talking, “My name- Konohamaru… My grandfather named me. Like the village, right? He said it would bring me luck… But even though everyone in the village knows that is what I’m called… No one ever calls me that! It always just “Honored Grandson.”  No one ever sees me for who I am… Just who I’m related to. And I hate it! But it’ll be different when I become Lord Hokage, and that’s gonna be real soon” he exclaimed excitedly.

Laughter bubbled out and I couldn't help it. Holding my stomach with both hands I looked up at the sky.

“Who would take you serious as Hokage?"

Konohomaru glared at me.

“I'm serious. Look out at the village. What do you see?”

“I see all the families walking around, the shinobi everyone." Kono was staring at the village below.

“As a Hokage, what do you think Jiji sees when he looks out at them?”

Scrunching up his face he looked at me confused, “The same as me” Konohamaru said.

“No, the Hokage looks at the village and sees his family. Everyone in this village no matter how close to him or how far from him they are all his family. Being Hokage is not easy, it is a lot of work. With all of them as your family, anyone you lose. It affects you. Betrayal hurts just as bad. Then you have to lead and guide these people who you view as family. As Hokage you end up blaming yourself when you lose people that went on missions. And when you are in charge when your village is at war, every casualty you feel. It ages you and changes you. Then you are responsible for guiding the next generation to lead the village and how to guide the generation after that. But most importantly you have to protect every person in your village even if it means dying for them.”

“Why isn't it easy" he asked breaking me out of my thoughts about my dad, Ebisu had got closer to us but let me continue talking. He hadn’t realized how close he had been when I teleported us to my favorite place in the village. I realized I was standing on the stone head of my father.

“Because it's a lot of work. There are no shortcuts to becoming Hokage kid, you have to train, sweat, bleed, and take on countless missions. You have to make a name for yourself as yourself, not because your the grandson of the third Hokage. Look at your uncle, he left to make a name for himself. Jiji may not completely understand but Asuma left to make his own name in the fire temple. And he did, it is the same as you. You may not have to leave here but you have to grow up and start training seriously. Now I'll show you a chakra exercise and then you can ask that sensei of yours for the others. Once you have mastered the three basic exercises we’ll move to something else. ”

“How do you know so much about being Hokage" Kono asked. Making him sit down I stuck a leaf to my forehead and showed him that I could move it around with chakra. This was the first exercise they teach in the academy. With his little reserves it wouldn’t take long for him to get it to stick.

“To much and you'll burn the leaf, to little and it falls. You have to find the right amount and the perfect way for that is to concentrate and then try and attach at least 4 leaves before changing to the next technique. Now Kono the reason I know so much about the Hokage is because one day I wish to be Hokage. I have since I was a child and I would be glad to pass the hat to the shinobi you one day will become. He's all yours Ebisu, quit lying to him though or he won't respect you. When you get the exercises down or you want my help come find me Kono.”

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