Training with Jiji, Ninjutsu training, Sleepover, C rank mission

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Waking the next morning I stretched accidentally hitting someone who giggled. Shooting up I looked over at Hinata seriously, "When did I get back here" I asked stretching as we got up and got dressed for the day. "Neji brought you back. I only ever see the boy he used to be when you are with him. When it's you two, I see the loyal, compassionate, strong male he will become. I wish he wasn't the cold cruel fate driven person when you're not around" Hinata said smiling over at me as we got up and did our morning routine before appearing in my compound. "Soon Hinata. I promise" I said smiling at her as we walked into the kitchen. Kaka nii had breakfast done with Shikamaru beside him waiting on the two of us. "How was your night girls" Kakashi asked smiling at us. "It was eventful. Naru kidnapped Hanabi for a while during dinner but brought her back and Hanabi was oddly quiet most of the time" Hinata said smiling at the guys. "I did not kidnap someone's kid. I told Hiashi she was leaving with me. And it wouldn't have happened if the elders hadn't taught a child how to activate the curse seal" I grumbled before beginning to eat.

The three of them laughed along with Jiji as he stepped out of the shadows joining us for breakfast. "Lord Hokage" Shika, Hina and Kakashi all said. "Hey Jiji" I said rolling my eyes at their stiff posture, chuckling he sat down beside me and Kakashi. "Hope you don't mind an old man joining you four for training this morning" Jiji said a small gleam in his eye. "Never Jiji" I said smirking as I hugged him. "Got room for one more brat" a feminine voice with a daring bite asked from the shadows. "Anko nee! I haven't seen you around lately" I exclaimed hugging the woman close to me. "Been busy gaki. Planning things" she said attempting to be sneaky. "Training ground 44. Chuunin exams are coming up...hmm stage 2 perhaps" I said making her falter in her movements them sigh sitting down. Jiji laughed "Observant as ever hime" Jiji said smiling at me. "Oh Jiji I have taken to leaving clones in your office to dispel the genjutsu on the paperwork and file it correctly for you to go through. I also went through the last 13 years of documentation and pulled the ones you needed immediately" I said avoiding the fact that I was observant yes but going through Jiji's paperwork was easier. He nodded "Thank you hime. I have clones in there now helping like you suggested. Seriously why has no one ever thought of shadow clones doing paper work" my old Jiji mused to himself.

"I don't know Jiji. I really don't know" I said shrugging a smile on my face. "When the time comes to replace the advisors who do you suggest Naru" Jiji asked as we continued eating. "Shikaku definitely Shikaku. Probably Shibi Aburame, he has a level head and a vast knowledge on politics even though most think of them as weird and don't associate much. Shibi is very level headed and extremely fair in his dealings" I said not even thinking about it. "Very good choices dear. Very good, now how about that training" Jiji asked as shadow clones cleared the table. "Of course Jiji. Your way or Uzumaki style" I asked a teasing glint in my eye. "You are forgetting I trained with you before hime. Uzumaki style let's go" Jiji exclaimed ditching his Hokage robes on a chair as we all took off running laps around the back yard.

We did our exercises then stretches before I made 1000 shadow clones Putting myself in the middle. I sent 250 to go do element training, 50 for water walking and 50 for tree walking. I sent 75 to fight while balancing in the trees and 75 to fight atop the water. Jiji nodded at how I commanded my clones before everyone focused on the 500 clones remaining. "Remember you guys still have training later today" Jiji said smiling at us. "Of course Hokage sama" Hinata said activating her byakugan. "Destroy the clones" Jiji commanded as we all began taijutsu spar with my clones. Occasionally Hinata would use gentle fist, Shika used his shadow, Kakashi used random jutsu, Anko threw dango sticks and Jiji used mainly himself but a few jutsu here and there. The man was not called the god of shinobi for nothing I mused to myself as I switched out between my mothers taijutsu and my fathers. We finished off the 500 clones between the 6 of us in about 30 minutes that ended up with me having a headache.

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