Why Naru needs ramen.

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Shaking awake I sat up and away from Hinata careful not to wake her as I took in deep breaths of clean air. Getting up I left the tent silently and sat by the dwindling fire as the sun was fully out and the village had faint sounds still coming from it.

I felt him before I heard him, "Are you okay Naru" Neji asked softly as he sat beside me. A soft robe was draped over my shoulders, it smelled like tea, jasmine and citrus. Looking up at him through my eyelashes he was watching me closely a faint blush in his cheeks. "I will be fine. Nightmares are fairly normal for me Neji." I could feel the chakra of Hinata stir. Kakashi and Mito were in a tent awake but stopped themselves from coming out. Putting my hands in the seal for shadow clones, I produced 3 dozen but in regular clothing. They began making breakfast and left to get stuff for food. "Is it anything I can help you with? Even if you just want me to listen I will be right here Naru." "Maybe soon Neji. I just want to sleep without the nightmares. They had gotten better." I said softly as he wrapped one arm around me.

"I understand. Sometimes the nightmares and the dark thoughts block out the light. Until recently I didn't have a sun to shine and clear out the thoughts when they became unbearable. But recently it's like the clouds have gone and the sun's rays shine bright." Neji said softly holding me to him.

Blushing I felt myself falling back into sleep, "Your sun must be a very special person. I'm sorry I left you alone for so long." I mumbled barely loud enough for him to catch it as I fully passed out against his shoulder.

I dreamed this time of a cavern with a giant half octopus and a guy who raps non stop. I saw the 3 tails host kill himself to stop them from ripping out the tailed beast. I saw the 1 tails in a red headed teenager with dark circles under his eyes being extracted. I felt the loneliness from a flying tailed host. She had love from an older man but the kids stayed away from her. I felt the anger and confusion from the 1 tails host as he was attempted to be killed. The only two who didn't seem afraid, lonely or angry were the two tails and the 8 tails hosts. I was angry on their behalf, no one should be that lonely.

Waking up I felt exhausted and tired, mentally I ran through the week and a half since we left the village and groaned. I could go two almost three weeks without ramen but as much emotional, chakra and jutsu I had used messed with me. Taking a deep breath I stretched my senses auto clocked all the genin and Jonin in our camp. We had 3 civilians present Inari and his parents. "You should be on bed rest Kaiza" I said not lifting my head from Neji's chest. "You technically should too, shouldn't you Naru." Hinata stated more than asked from beside me and shoved a plate of food in my hands. "I don't want this Hina." I muttered softly eyeing the rice, scrambled eggs and meat. The food smelled good but was not appealing to me.

The genin all stopped and stared at me concerned. "It's about that time again Hinata." Shika said from across camp. "I'll see what we have. Eat this for now and I mean eat it. We'll have ramen for lunch before we leave back to the village."

Neji watched the three of us confused but concerned. "If she doesn't eat Ramen it messes with her physical and mental health. I know she had ramen right before she left but she's been through a lot recently and needs it to recharge. It must be a family thing. Her mom wrote about it a lot. When we first discovered it we didn't know it would affect her this bad." Hinata answered his unasked question as she sighed making me look her in the eyes. "I'll be fine Hina. Besides there's emergency instant ramen somewhere in a seal." I said softly. Neji shook his head and held me tighter to him.

"You will not. Besides Sasuke found this recipe his mom had wrote down. It was your mom's. Were going to make it. Him and Naruto are out in the woods gathering supplies and meat." Sakura said shoving a bite of meat in my mouth. Chewing slowly I felt a memory take the forefront of my mind it was a vision of my grandmothers, I stretched my senses sharing it with everyone.

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