4. Slurrrpp!! 🍜

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I am in hurry today as i got up late, due to playing with nut last night. And now i am here waiting for my bus, i could have called a taxi but bus is much cheaper so I would prefer to wait some more as I can't spend my hard-earned money unnecessarily.

Finally i made it and i am just a little late *phew*. I headed towards the general and private wards to check upon the patients and handle new cases. Sometimes I think my life is just too boring, with the same routine everyday. Going out in the morning to hospital, mostly having a takeout for dinner as i get really tired for cooking and watching dramas and sleeping. Ahh i need some change. Ohh how can i forget, Wang yibo invited me for dinner at his place today, i also need to buy a present for him.

It's already evening and the sky was tinted orange. I was wrapping up and was about to leave when an accident case was assigned to me. I went to see the patient and my eyes went wide, "Wang yibo what happened to you?" His hands and legs were bruised and bleeding. I quickly attended him and treated his wounds.

He looked at me with a shocked expression and exclaimed "woah, Mr xiao the world is so small, so you are a doctor huh!!" He exclaimed happily while hissing in pain time to time.

"Yeah yeah, now tell me what had happened for you to end up in this state? "

"A guy was harrassing a girl so I helped her and beat him, but then when he was running away on his bike, I still chased him to beat him up but he called his other friends and i was one against seven" he smirked with dark expressions.

"And what was the need to chase him again? You simply could have called the police. How can you be so reckless like this? If you get any major injury some day, what would you do then?" I was nagging him for his thoughtlessness but he was smiling with flushed cheeks.

"Now why are you smiling?" How can he even smile in between this serious talk.

"Nothing just..thank-you for treating me. Now I need to go and prepare for the dinner. You remember right! I invited you today." He stood up and limped towards the door but i was fast to stop him by holding his elbow "How will you cook in this state and how will you drive your bike ? Can't we postpone the dinner?"

"No" he shouted startling me "I mean..I will manage ..just be on time please" he sulked with a pouty face.

"Wait i can't let you go like this. My shift has already ended, I will take you home by a taxi and i..i will cook for us and i would not take no for an answer." I demanded.

"But I was the one who invited"

"Aish it's not gonna change the motive of the dinner, we still would talk and know more about each other"

"Okay then i give up"

"Here wait a second. Let me take my belongings"

"I can drive my motorbike, I have already agreed to have dinner at your place instead of mine, but we are not going through a taxi, we will take bike"

"But how..you are injured"

"I am a racer bah!! These injuries are nothing for me."

"Uhh...uhh if you insist" we both hopped on his bike, woah it's my first time sitting on a bike, it's pretty risky and dangerous for me "are you sure we would reach alive"

'Yes if you hold me tight as I drives fast, i won't be able to see you treating your own wounds..hahhaha"

"You little.." he suddenly started the engine and drove off, and i swear i saw my death on my head all the way. He was accelerating the speed like, like he stole someone's bride on her wedding day. I clutched his leather jacket so tightly that my fingers and palms turned white and i squeezed my eyes burying my head on his neck. After some time of this wild adventure the speed lessened until he finally stopped.

"Are you planing to starve me?" He said sarcastically, smirk never leaving his face.

I opened my eyes and rubbed my chest, checked my body for any injuries before hoping off the bike. "You little criminal, that was not a racing track you know . You..you fled your bike like this even when you are injured, I wonder how you usually exploit this hog when you are completely fine."

"Don't worry, I will show you after i get well"

"Aaaa..no...no i don't want to" i screamed in horror and rushed toward the lift. He laughed evilly and followed me inside the lift.

We headed inside my apartment with me sulking whole way. "Now Stop sulking will ya?"


"ahh zhanzhan how old are you to act like a baby?"

"Did you just addressed me informally and i am 24 and i am not a baby anymore" i noticed his face became pale when i told him my age. I grinned evilly "what's your age wang yibo"

He coughed furiously while rummaging through my small bookshelf "I..I am 22. Where's nut by the way?"

"She is at the pet cafe nearby as i had to go to the hospital. I will train her to be alone in the house slowly. I didn't want her to get scared and lonely in my absence, so for the week or two i will continue to send her to the pet cafe while i am at work. And more importantly...." I moved towards him and he took his steps backwards until his back came in contact with the bookshelf as I caged him between my hands " I forgot to bring her back as some little brat almost ripped my soul away" I said gritting my teeth.

"Ahh gege ...forgive this brat, I was just teasing you...gege if you don't mind I can take care of nut and train her to be alone too as i don't have to go out daily for work." He tried to please me.

"That's a good idea. Okay but what do you want in return?" He smirked interchanging our positions swiftly, he reduced the distance between our faces, drawing his face closer and closer until..."owww" i kicked his groin hard.

"Oww i was just teasing you, i will surely get back on you for this" he screamed at top of his lungs while I was laughing at him.

*Indifferent yawn* " you want to eat or not?" I asked monotonously.

"Yes, yes but what are you cooking gege?"

"Instant noodles"

"I thought you would make something special for your special friend"

I clicked my tongue and flicked his head "I will upgrade it adding my own broth and you will love it" he licked his lips and nodded his head like a small child.

"Mmmm it's tasty ge" he said slurping the noodles.

"Told you already"

"So i have decided, i want you to cook for me whenever i want to"

"And why would i do that"

"But you asked me a while ago, about what i want in return of taking care of nut"

"Oh yeah, I will think about that"

"Gege your instant noodles will also do ..please say yes" I looked up and my lips twitched before we both ended into a laugh. I felt really happy and light today. It's been a while I felt like this again. Only that one person was able to make me laugh heartily. Aish..what are you thinking, come back to reality and forget everything else, you need to learn how to live alone, but with wang yibo i didn't feel that alone though. I smacked my head internally and shoved a spoonful of my mouthwatering , aromatic noodles inside my mouth .

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