14. Facing up

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Yibo and I have talked about it and I have decided to confront chen zhang. Yibo said that it's better not to hold any grudges or regrets in our hearts so he encouraged me to meet chen for the last time as his ex boyfriend. So here I am today waiting for him at the coffee shop where we decided to meet and talk. We decided to meet at 7 in the evening here and then after clearing everything with chen I have a date with my love yibo.

"Zhan" I didn't realise his arrival because I was drowned in my thoughts and was missing yibo so much. I cleared my throat and greeted him "Hello chen". He removed his mask and cap and greeted me back, he ordered coffee for us to which I politely declined as I just wanted to leave from there as fast as possible.

"I am happy zhan you came to meet me. I thought that you would never want to see me again. I miss you so much my love. I lost my mind and was worried for you when you left China without telling anyone anything, i never thought that i would meet you here. I still lo.."

"Chen I have moved on a long time ago"

"But what about me zhan. I am still there. My heart is still the same. It still beats for you."

"But mine beat for him"

"Zhan I still love you"

"But I love him"

"z..zhan you used to love me so much, how can you forget us that easily?"

"Chen are you here to get me back?"

"z..zhan..i..i" his tears were flowing carelessly and he was trembling visibly.

"Hahahaha you yourself got your answer. We are not meant to be together from the start. Whatever happened, happened for a valid reason and I don't regret anything, neither falling in love with you nor forgetting you or leaving you. Please don't dwell in past memories and relationships, move on chen, see there are millions of your fans who love you more than anything. They stan you, support you, stand for you, even protect you sometimes, and by doing this with yourself you are breaking those millions of hearts and expectations."

"He is yibo isn't he?"


"The one you love?"

"How you kn.."

"His eyes said it all the other day."



We went outside for a walk after he covered his face again. He looked towards the sky and smiled before asking "How many stars are there zhan?" He asked smiling brightly behind his mask which reflected in his eyes.

I followed his gaze and looked upwards "one"


"Yizhan (wang yibo + xiao zhan )" I continued which made his smile fade and he chuckled bitterly "You have fallen deep this time Zhan."

"I know right." a smile appeared on my face unconsciously.



Me and chen were laying down on a beach enjoying the cool breeze and the calming sound of water waves. We met after many months because we both were busy building our careers especially chen who was still very exhausted as he trained for around fourteen hours today. I placed my head on his broad chest while we were counting the stars in the night sky "so how many stars are there chen?" I asked him.

✅Whispers of love (Yizhan) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now