9. Undesirable Desire

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Loud claps and noises echoed with the crowd shouting the name of their favourite band member, admiring and acclamating them. Stentorian music corresponding to the beautiful, melodious voices with the graceful, smooth moves of the five attractive men on the stage highlighted with general wash of different lights on them filled up the big hall.

But in those thousands of people, only one of them had all of my attention for the whole half an hour he performed. His refined and sophisticated moves with his melliflous vocals filled up my eyes and ears, trapping me. I stared in awe but felt a little jealous when girls and boys who came to watch the competition shouted his name and called him handsome, sexy and perfect boyfriend material. But I was happy as they were here to support him. This one month we lived together made me totally crazy about him. Yibo was actually addicting, sweet and a perfect man for anyone. The woman he gonna choose to spend his life with will be the luckiest one in the whole universe, my heart slightly clenched at the thought but I am mere a nobody and an unequal person to him.

All the performances ended and i headed backstage, thanks to the family pass of yibo I had due to which they let me in, to congratulate him for his wonderful performance as I was certain that he is going to win. He worked hard for the day and night and I am sure it's gonna pay off. He offered me a vip seat just behind the judges who were the famous actors, members of big pop bands but I refused. How can I let him waste a huge amount of his hard earned money for just to get me a comfortable seat? I am not that selfish and greedy. I am happy watching him from behind the crowds, smiling all by myself and praying for his success.

"Zhan ge how was it? We will win right?" he asked me slightly trembling in nervousness with a hint of excitement in his voice.

"Of course yibo, you were the best. You know many girls cheered for you while calling you their oppa" I tried to joke when this almost burned my soul from jealousy.

"I don't care ge. I just need your approval and appreciation. So was I good?" He asked in desperation slightly shooking my shoulders.

"No you were the best" I smiled.

"Yibo come on, the results are about to be announced" one group member whom they call Wenhan took him again on the stage for the announcement of the results while I showed him a thumbs up.

And as expected my yibo won. 'Uniq' officially became a self produced band and I was so happy for him. I was waiting at his changing room to celebrate his success, he will be back soon after congratulating the others. Suddenly someone grabbed my waist and sniffed my neck and I smile as I knew who this person was. I held his hands and turned around with my wide bunny smile "Yibo you...." But my smile faded as this beautiful day became one of the worst day for me "Ch..Chen Zhang?"

"My love .."

So you all know chen Zhang right? If no, go back to second chapter 'My humble Abode' and you will find it in the last paragraph *sigh*.

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