8. Pique and Elucidation

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"Zhan ge why aren't you listening?. I want to tell you something very important." I was ignoring yibo since last night because what's the need to talk with me now? He already have someone to talk and share all his important things then why to bother me. I don't have any say in his personal life and I am no more than a gege to him, it's not like I am attracted to him but...but can he just..ahhh I am going crazy again. I shut the door hardly with a thud as I left the bedroom for kitchen.

"Ge why are you being a snub? Did i do something wrong?" He followed me pouting continuously which could have melted me very easily, but i clearly saw him hiding his amusement and smirk behind that fake pout. I again ignored his pleadings and questions while taking out the fried dough sticks from the pan.

"Look at me"


"Xiao Zhan I said look at me"

"........." I yelped in horror when he suddently picked me up in a fireman's lift and took me inside bedroom. I protested by throwing my arms and legs in air "Yibo..put me down .yibo..where are you taking me?."

"Don't struggle xiao zhan otherwise I will throw you on the floor" he warned in a deep tone which froze me to death.

"Ahhhh nooo okay okay" I shouted but nodded as I was really scared and I didn't want to annoy the man who is currently holding the strings of my dear life.

He put me on the bed gently and when I was about to run off he forcefully tossed me down again, hovered over me and caged my both hands above my head. "Will you listen to me or not?" he said staring deeply into my eyes.

"....." I looked away but hissed in pain when he tightened his grip on my hands and pressed his body against mine. I felt weird and I blushed silently.

"Zhan ge look at me" he said in a mild and reserved voice which made me to look at him involuntarily.

"Ge I was with a woman yesterday." I frowned and tried to wiggle out of his tight hold. He left my wrists but hugged me tightly, not letting me go.

"... but not for a date. I went for an important work." I stopped squirming waiting for him to continue as i was ready to listen him. "I and my four fellow racers loves singing and dancing, we all know each other from a very long time, we even used to train and practice together before, so we all gave an audition last month together as a group called 'uniq'. We all got selected and she as a head of an entertainment agency showed interest in us. There's a competition next week and if we won that competition, then she promised to sponsor our self produced band. So we all went to fill the competition form, and then she invited us for a dinner to discuss about all the terms and conditions. But i had no idea that you would be so much jealous and you will ignore me completely like this due to my slight teasing." I felt so stupid when he explained himself, but how am I supposed to know if he don't say, still a small smile appeared on my lips as my yibo is so talented and deserving, i will always wish for his success and happiness. "Who's jealous?"

"Of course my zhan ge was jealous and missed me so badly that he slept hugging and sniffing my shirt" he smiled and stood up. "Ge i am hungry, let's have breakfast". I wanted to protest but didn't as I was hungry too.

"Zhan ge I want you to come and watch me battle on the day of competition..if.. if you have time."

"Ahh..I will definately come to cheer you up" i felt happy as he wanted me to be a part of his success but, an unknown and familiar fear rose up in my body churning and twisting my stomach.

"You are the best ge" we both laughed and I put more dough sticks in his plate.

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