26. Resolution

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After a wild night and few more rounds the two slept tiredly in satisfaction. Zhan started moving and stretched his hands while yawning but opened his eyes immediately when his hand touched something wet. His eyes widened when he realised that his hands touched yibo's lips while the latter was already up and was staring him intensely. He blushed when he remembered last night and how they reminince their romance they used to have again.

He was about to retreat his hands but yibo held them again and placed soft kisses on it. Zhan pulled his hand back when yibo's kisses ascended upto his wrists. He was about to leave the bed but halted when he realised that they both were still naked. Wrapping the blanket around his body, he stood up and proximated towards the bathroom but yibo came in his way. Yibo was wearing boxers and nothing else. Zhan gulped and looked at him with puppy eyes.

"What do you want?" zhan gulped a mouthful of saliva anxiously and tried to act brave.

"You" yibo smirked and advanced towards his body.

"L...let me goo" zhan stepped backwards but his legs hit the edge of the bed and he slumped down on the mattress. Yibo removed the blanket and stared at zhan's bare body. He caged him and kissed him passionately. Zhan moaned in his mouth and yibo was about to suck his neck when lots of notifications disturbed their moment.

"Aish" yibo straightened himself and checked his phone. After few minutes his face became pale and sweat appeared on his forehead. His hands trembled and he rubbed his face in horror. Zhan got scared seeing yibo like this, he wore his clothes hurriedly and rubbed yibo's back while asking him the reason of his panicky. Yibo tried to force a smile and hid his phone but zhan being smart snatched it and saw all the messages. He gasped and looked at yibo nervously.


"I don't know zhan. I don't know who sneakily snapped our pictures yesterday but now they are all over internet already. Why can't we get our happiness Zhan? Why I am so pitiful? You..you w..won't leave me right?" Yibo asked fearfully with his teary eyes.

Zhan took a deep breath and interwined their fingers tightly "I won't. Don't worry babe you just need to stay silent about this matter for now. See here, we were just holding hands while leaving the flower garden, can't friends hold their hands? Your agency will manage everything. You need to stay silent okay?"

"But some people testified this rumor by revealing about me hugging you the other day at the hotel. Are you sure we need to stay wordless about this? Shouldn't i.."

"No yibo it will affect your career. Please listen to me hm?"

"Okay" yibo took a deep breath and talked with Du hua about the rumor. After having breakfast zhan left for some urgent work at the hospital while yibo slept whole afternoon. Waking up in the late evening, he took a bath and called zhan who's phone was switched off ever since yibo tried to reach him.

'Maybe he is assisting in a surgery... but he was on leave!!'

'Maybe his battery died. My baby must be on his way back!!'

He waited for some more time but soon an unknown fear climbed up his veins when zhan still didn't come back and he decided to call in the hospital. He dialled the number with great difficulty with his cloudy eyes. He bit his nails and waited for someone to answer.

"Good evening. How can I help you?" A lady who must be a receptionist picked the call.

"C..can i talk to dr. xiao zhan?"

"Sorry he is on a leave right now. Did you have any appointments with him sir?"

"No..no actually I am his housemate. Actually he is not back yet and he left in the morning saying that he had some emergency in the hospital"

✅Whispers of love (Yizhan) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now