12. Hug me tight 🔞

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🔞Slight Mature Content Below:-

Next day i woke up with someone caressing my sensitive back and nibbling my earlobes and neck. I opened my eyes to see yibo clinging on to me again from behind "Mhmmm ...Good morning yibo" I tried to stretch my hands but he didn't stop kissing my neck. I turned towards him and before he could kiss me, i put my index finger on his lips and said fixing my eyes on his "You are such a beast, aren't you satisfied yet huh?" My back was still numb and here he wanted to take me again.

"You are so addicting, I want to have you again and again babe" he sucked my finger seductively and i gasped as the way he was sucking it turned me on. He held my wrist and put my two fingers in his mouth, licking and sucking them , coating them with his saliva. With the other hand, he held my waist caressing my sore back and straddled me with his leg on my naked body.

"Yibo...mmmmm...leave me...aahh....don't...it's still sore yibo...don't put your...ahhhh..fingers inside.. s-spare m-mee....aaahhhh...l-let go yibo ..aaahhhh..hhhhaaaahhh" he increased the pace of his fingers inside my sore hole and i swear i saw stars. "Hhaa baby I want you now." he said before putting his big length inside me. I moaned loudly in pain and pleasure with tears streaming down my face as he was thrusting too fast. "Aahh y.. yibo...i..i ...can't" i sobbed as he was not slowing down rather he was getting bigger inside me. "You..you are too rough ..aahh" I sobbed again but this time he stopped himself, hovered over me and kissed me softly "I am sorry my love, I will be gentle I promise" I nodded my head and he resumed, this time gently and peppering my face with sweet kisses. After some time he increased his pace as my hole became used to his cock. "F..fast ..yeah..there, there...please yibo hit there again..aaahhhh...mmmhhhhhh" i begged him to brush my sweet spot again and again and he obeyed happily "Is it there?..shitt I am cumming..". We came together and he collapsed on my body. "Zhan baby one more..?" My eyes went wide and I shouted "No..get up from me..I m tired and want to take a bath now" he didn't listen and rubbed our erections together to make them more hard "No..yibo..I can't" suddenly we heard a smashing sound and I thanked my curious and naughty cat for the first time before limping towards the bathroom.

Yibo gritted his teeth in anger "Zhan baby let's take bath together pleaseeeee".

"No you..you beast go away" he huffed and pouted before leaving the bedroom.

It was already lunchtime as I slept some more and had to take a leave from work today. I headed towards the kitchen to prepare our lunch but got surprised as yibo has already ordered all of my favourite dishes for lunch. This one month that we lived under the same roof, we got to know each other's likes and dislikes more than anyone else "Yibo why?"

"You were tired. How can I let you work and strain your body more. I am a good boyfriend right?"

"B.. boyfriend?" I blushed as i still didn't know what our relationship was but now he cleared everything .

"Aayyiiaahh ofcourse zhan you are my boyfriend or what did you think I just used your body for pleasure!? We confessed last night in the changing room and I was fucking serious about it. I love you so much and noone, noone in this world can take your place inside my life and my heart." I smiled and hugged him tightly "I love you yibo"

"I love you my baby" he patted my back and kissed my knuckles.

We had our lunch and I was so full. It was so tasty that I ate a lot more, even taking some of yibo's shares and he happily fed me with his chopsticks.

✅Whispers of love (Yizhan) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now