18. The perturbation

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Yibo's pov:-

I slumped my tired body on the soft mattress of the seven star hotel I am going to stay in for the next two weeks. My body and mind still felt tired despite sleeping for the whole three hours all the way to busan. I felt a bit sober now but my stomach grumbled for food. I was of course hungry, i didn't eat anything since last night. Almost everyone around me has pointed me for being too skinny, adviced me to eat more nutritious foods, to fill my kitchen with veggies and meat but little they did know that the one who used to care for me and my needs..has left me long ago. And when he is no more around, I have no plans to cherish anything he once cared for. I will destroy the yibo he once loved, i will punish me everyday and ...everytime he will pop up in my dreams, thoughts and memories. The irony is he has never left my heart, not even once since the last two years. Yes two years, i haven't saw him since the last two years. I still sometimes wonder about where did I went wrong? Where did I lacked? I was ready to fight the whole world for him but he didn't give me any chance.

I stretched my hands and got up. After doing some light streches to relieve my stiff body I went to freshen up and filled my bath tub with warm water to relax for some time. I nearly slept in the bath tub but woke up when my stomach grumbled again. I didn't want to go down to the dining hall for dinner, I needed peace so I decided to eat in the room only. I sighed and called my bodyguard 'jun' to order something for me to eat.

"Jun bring my food to my room" my voice was cold as usual.

"Yes boss" he didn't ask me more, gladly he finally took a mental note of the answer I gave him everytime whenever he asked me about what i would like to have. I always used to say that anything will do as long as it's less salty and less spicy.

I glanced at my surroundings and noticed a big floor to ceiling glass window right in front of my bed

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I glanced at my surroundings and noticed a big floor to ceiling glass window right in front of my bed. I made my way towards the window to see the time and world which was going with the flow, not waiting for anyone. It was my first time at Busan, although I was living in Korea for the last seven years but I never had chance to visit this beautiful place. The view outside was calming and extraordinary, lighting my dim life a little. I love peering out through the windows as it gives a feeling of attachment and separation. Yes, it attaches me with the world, out of the shell i have built around me but makes me feel alone at the same time. I smiled unconsciously but frowned when I noticed the moon which had already made its way for the night duty. I clicked my phone open to check the time, it was already past nine and I felt like smacking myself for wasting so much time when I should be reading the script and learning my lines. But what can I do? When mind and heart doesn't co-operate then it's the soul that suffers. I wanted to lie down for a whole day without doing anything, I too deserve break sometimes and now being here in Busan, I will surely use my time wisely.

I was reading the script carefully and rehearsing my lines when a knock on my door startled me. It must be my food, i thought. Thanking jun, i kept the tray on the table and settled myself on the sofa. Grabbing the metal chopsticks to proceed, i smiled faintly when my eyes fell on the roasted eggplants. "How you used to hate eggplants so badly *chuckle*. How are you now...baby?" I devoured few pieces of eggplants but suddenly my stomach churned up and I ran towards the washroom to puke everything out. I took a glimpse of my face in the mirror when I noticed my tears which were coming out one by one shamelessly. I washed my face and brushed my teeth as my appetite was already long gone. Watching my pale face, i slightly laughed on my helpless self as it's becoming more difficult and unbearable to live on.. without him.

I came out and curled myself on the bed before falling to sleep again. I have to wake up early tomorrow to meet a doctor in order to learn more for my upcoming series. I don't know why but I was feeling restless and anxious for some reason. Jolting my anxiety away I covered my body with the soft blanket. "Goodnight zhan...zhan, i miss you so mu..ch" with this i lost in my dreamland and the room echoed with my soft snores for the whole night.


Zhan's pov:-

I was restlessly turning in my bed because I couldn't sleep. The thought of meeting him is panicking me to death. How am I going to face him again? He probably hates me now.. how would he react? What will I say? He is my ex boyfriend now, how should I address him, as Wang yibo, only yibo or Mr. Wang. These thoughts were killing me inside. I left the bed and went towards my window to look at the moon. The view of the moon always calmed me down. The twinkling stars and the night sky always made me to lose myself for a while. I smiled weakly and whispered "You are like a bright sunray and I am like a night sky yibo. We cannot shine each other's world, even if we want to. It's been two years yibo, but still you are the only one who occupies my whole heart. Nothing amazes me anymore, because our memories always keep my mind flooded with your breathtaking face and smile. I love you, and I miss you so much ...but there's a saying that it's better as long as you both are under the same sky. Nothing can be changed now, we have already lost a lot of time..baby. I hope I will meet a new and happy yibo tomorrow, it breaks my heart but i wish to be long forgotten by you." The thought of seeing him again fluttered my heart but still trembles me to the core.

I returned to my bed and slipped my body under the bedspread "Good night baobei, see you tomorrow" i murmured and a genuine smile flashed on my lips for a second before I fell in his memories...again.

Next morning:-

"Mr. Wang, it's so nice to meet you in person" Dr. Choi extended his hand for a handshake and yibo respectfully recieved it but his aura showed pure dominance.

"Nice to meet you too dr. Choi."

"Ahh..we have framed a full schedule for Mr.Wang so that he could prepare for his character properly. My junior will help him all the way." Choi jee woo told yibo's team and left to call Zhan after making them comfortable.

Yibo was sipping his iced tea while scrolling his weibo when the fragrance of familiar cologne and a feeling of familiar presence made him look around the cabin he was sitting in. His eyes darted everywhere and stopped at certain someone who was taking small steps while staring him back. His heart raced at the site, and he thought he was hallucinating again until the person came face to face and stretched his hand outwards "Hello Mr. Wang, I am Dr. Xiao Zhan who will assist you for the next two weeks."

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