10. The soul kiss

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"Ch..Chen Zhang?"

"My love"

"What are yo.."

"Where were you my love..I can't believe I finally met you after these two torturous months. Zhan I missed you a lot" he hastily hugged me tightly, burying his head in my neck. Chen Zhang, the name I wanted to forget but still didn't, the name which still bring shivers to my spine and tears to my eyes but my heart, it does not beat for him...not anymore.

"Chen leave me" he shook his head and i pushed him away from my body. I.. pushed him away.


"Baby" Chen smiled widely and pulled me inside his apartment.

"Chen" I exclaimed happily hugging him, not having any thoughts of letting him go.

"Bao Bao leave me. Let me cook something delicious for you. And let's watch a movie together?" He said rubbing my back swaying me side to side gently.

"No i am not letting go. Let me enjoy hugging you for some more time. You smell so good and baby rather than a movie, let's go for ice skating? Pleeeaaassee?"

"Zhan we...we can't, my agency said I cannot be seen outside with anyone apart from my family. I..I am sorry."

"It's..it's okay chen. Let's watch a movie then" He smiled nodding his head in acceptance and kissing my hairs. "But for that you need to leave me so that I can prepare for it.."

"No I am not letting go"

"Okay then don't. Keep hugging me like this forever baby. I love you Zhan..so much"

"I love you too chen" we chuckled tightening the hug.

"Xiao zhan?" He called me in a cracked voice and I could see his tears were threatening to fall out from his doe eyes. "Baobei you don't want to hug me?"

"Why chen? What are you doing here? Did you forget we have broken up?"

"I..I just saw you before here, i never knew that you moved out of china. So I just couldn't stop myself, it's been a long ti.."

"Chen please. Don't make me remember all those things which are already long forgotten." I cut him as I was getting frustrated now.

"I know zhan all the things which happened were for a reason. But I just miss you ..a lot. Don't you miss me? You are my first lo.."

"CHEN i shouted "Don't forget you were the one who asked me to leave and you should have no regrets as it was for our good. I am happy and i have someone whom I love...more than anything." He chuckled bitterly and nodded his head stepping towards me "who am I to stop you right Zhan?" He hugged me again and this time I got very much irritated. I was about to push him again when a voice made me numb. "Zhan ge?"

"Yibo?" I whispered and a sudden realisation hit me. I pushed chen really hard this time and he staggered but didn't fall.

"Chen Zhang?" Yibo came excitedly and held his hands "Ge I love all of your dramas" meeting his idol, his eyes shined like a small boy but I am afraid how would he react when he will know about our relationship. "Zhan ge, he was one of the judges today but why were you hugging him?"

"Because he is my B.."

"He is my friend bo. We were in the same university before i admitted to medical school." I cut chen as i didn't want yibo to know now. I will tell him everything later. His mouth formed an 'o' shape and he seemed to believe me.

"Yes....Zhan here's my card. You can contact me anytime and please do call me, I will be waiting for it. I want to talk about something very important." He handed me his card which I didn't take at first, but yibo mouthed me silently and I had to take it.

"See you Zhan." He tapped yibo's shoulders before leaving "You are really talented buddy. Keep it up" yibo didn't reply but stared in nothingness before making his way towards me.

"Zhan ge what is your relationship with him?" My heart skipped a beat and I trembled violently. "Tell me ge" his voice was slightly raised and deep this time.

"Yibo that's .. that's yibo.." I stuttered and he slammed me against the wall and purred beside my ears "tell me xiao zhan"

"Yibo he is..he is my ex boyfriend" He punched the wall hard and my heart pounded wildly. He caged me again placing his both hands on either side of my head, his eyes staring deep into mine and I could tell he was unhappy, not just unhappy he was really, really angry.

"Then why did you lied? Huh? Didn't want to let me know?" He whispered yelled in a deep voice making me whimper. "N..no yibo i didn't want to talk in front of him. I just wanted him to leave first."

"Xiao Zhan if he is your ex boyfriend then what do you think what are we? What does yibo mean to you?" I looked up into his eyes and cupped his face caressing his cheeks as i wanted his anger to subside first. "Yibo our relationship is more deep, deeper than anything...And for me yibo is my confidante, my soulmate" I answered him staring directly into his eyes wanting him to see my sincerity and love.

He furrowed his brows before wrapping his arms around my waist, he swung my body towards him and whispered against my lips "You are mine Zhan ge. I will never let you go" and placed his soft, plump lips on mine sucking them aggressively and possesively. He pulled away and purred again "Your lips are mine" he kissed me again, this time he stuck his tongue out licking my lips , tracing their outline with his warm tongue, tingling my heart and stomach. He poked his tongue between my lips asking for entrance to which I parted them as I was drown in his kiss and wanted more. He put his hands under my shirt caressing my sensitive back. I squirmed as my back was really sensitive. "Y..Yibo mmm" he pulled back again before sucking on my neck "Your neck is mine" he sucked and licked my neck and my legs became jelly. I held his clothes tightly to maintain my balance as he kept sucking on my sensitive spots. "Y..yibo" i moaned, sighing repeatedly as i was getting weak. He came up and again whispered fanning his warm breath against my ears and nibbling my earlobes "I love you xiao zhan, I want only you". My eyes fluttered open but i closed them again when he sucked on my earlobe fiercely. My concious mind was not working and I blurted the most unexpected thing at the unexpected time and place "I love you my yibo...don't ever let me go" he stopped sucking my earlobe and gave all of his attention to my lips who were dying to meet their analogous ones. He pressed his lips against mine while his left hand traced my jawline and his right one tilted my head deepening the kiss.

He was kissing the life out of me and I wanted something more, I wanted more of his warmth, I wanted to feel him inside me. I wanted yibo to claim me and remain mine only. He guessed my thoughts and he again whispered, this time sending chills down my body "I want you on my bed. I want to connect our naked bodies while i make love to you. I want to claim you zhan ge. Do you also want this?" He was still nibbling my earlobes and neck time to time and I lost my sanity "Make me yours yibo". He pulled away before grabbing my hands and we exited through the back door running towards his bike. I sat behind him feeling his abs and chest with my naughty hands roaming all over his clothes. "Don't tease me, you will regret".

And I can't believe I was the one who said the last words "Make me regret yibo. Do me till the dawn my babe." He increased the speed and I regretted my words as I knew I won't be able to even walk for few days.

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