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important authors note at the end - please read! 

Hades point of view

The sun streamed softly through the drawn curtains, dancing across the bed as Ella slept soundly in my arms. Apollo had awoken early this morning, his chariot rising the sun at an ungodly hour. 

I had almost stormed the palace to hunt down the blonde-haired god but decided against it. Instead, I had spent the good part of the last hour running my fingers through Ella's thick chocolate brown hair.

Her presence grounded me. It calmed the internal battle between succumbing to the darkness and gaining control. I recalled the events of the previous day. 

Zeus had bowed down and the throne rightfully belonged to me. The title felt strange to my lips. I had been King of the Underworld for so long it almost felt foreign to think of myself as anything but that. 

My anger had clouded my judgment and I knew that I needed to keep it at bay. A war was coming and I was now in charge of all the gods. 

I sighed at the thought. Today would be a long day, filled with meetings with the gods discussing what we were going to do about father.

I rolled slightly onto my side, letting my gaze find Ella in the soft morning light. She lay slightly tucked into my side, with her hair sprawled out on the pillow we shared. I smiled at the observation. She had long abandoned her pillow sometime during the night and instead placed herself on mine. 

She lay peacefully asleep and unaware of the events that were to come today. Her long eyelashes fanned her face and I noticed the small freckles that dotted her slender nose. There was an urge within me to reach out and touch her skin. To gently run my hand across her cheeks. 

I reached my hand out and stroked my fingers gently across her rosy cheeks. Even in sleep, she blushed for me. I smiled at the thought. 

Her eyes slowly fluttered open and flashed me a cheeky grin before snuggling closer into me. I laughed at her silliness and pulled her deeper into my embrace. I listened for her breath to steady out and for her to fall back asleep but sleep never reached her. 

"Are you awake my sweet?" I whispered, careful not to wake her if she was asleep. 

I listened to the soft giggle that bounced off of my chest and felt the slight nod of her head. I laughed at her, she truly was not a morning person. 

"Why are you up so early?" Ella questioned, pulling herself from my chest and giving me a pointed look. 

"Apollo seems to have graced us with an early sunrise this morning, I have been up since he decided to ride his chariot," I explained, rolling my eyes at Apollo's incompetence. 

"Someone is eager to start the day," Ella laughed. I couldn't agree more. Apollo had always been too eager, up too early and in bed too late. 

"What's on the agenda for today?" She asked, propping herself on her elbow. 

I sighed and heaved myself up to rest against the headboard. I motioned for her to lie down again and she placed herself in my open arms. Her head rested against my chest and I took this opportunity to run my fingers through her hair once more. 

"Poseidon is set to arrive sometime this morning and once he has, a meeting will be held with all the gods to discuss the war," I explained. 

"Do you have any idea of what they are going to say?" Ella asked. 

"Zeus will probably argue every word I say, Athena and Ares are the most skilled with this topic but I am sure Aphrodite will have something to say," I explained further, indicating my annoyance for the gods. 

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