Ella's point of view
The weekend had gone as quickly as it had come. It was now Monday and all traces of going to the club was long gone, except for the lingering memory of that man.
His grey eyes seemed to follow me into my sleep and with me throughout the day. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't forget him. I had spoken to Camila and Davies multiple times this weekend and we had made plans to see one another after work today.
I hadn't mentioned the mysterious man who had been stuck on my mind since I saw him, instead I listened patiently as both Camila and Davies rambled on about the rest of their night after I left. It was silly, how this man had consumed all my thoughts since I had briefly seen him in the club. I had much more important things to do then think about him, but I couldn't help it. I was a moth drawn to a flame.
That night I had struggled to fall asleep and had spent most of it tossing around in my bed. By God's saving grace I had managed to fall asleep at around one that morning. All through the night he had been with me, sneaking in and out of my dreams. If the rough night and the dreams weren't enough, lets add my six o'clock alarm to the mix.
I crawled out of bed that morning and straight into the shower, hoping it would wake me up, but sadly it didn't. Neither did the two cups of coffee I had already drunk, and it was only eleven in the morning.
Sighing, I turned back to my work. I worked for a large company called Booklist, my job was to read and review books. My passion was reading, so you could say I kind of fell right into the job. I did most of my work from home, but it often gets boring, so I like to change up my work environment every now and again.
My boss had just sent me a new book to review and I was about half way through when I realized that I had been inside all day and decided it was time for a change. I packed my bag with my purse, book, journal, pen and phone, before heading off to the café around the corner from here. It was about a 15 minute walk, but I didn't mind.
By the time I got there it was nearly lunch and as soon as I sat down my stomach let out a loud grumble, begging to be fed. I laughed, this always happened at the most awkward times.
Before I even realized it, a waitress was in front of me, "Morning, can I get you anything to eat or drink?", she asked.
"Um can I get an iced tea and your Cajun chicken wrap?"
"Sure thing." She answered.
The next 10 minutes passed by uneventfully, I had once again delved deep into the book I was reading, stopping every now and again to write down something important for later. My iced tea had arrived 5 minutes ago and I stopped occasionally to take a sip. My brain had been so focused on reading, that I didn't hear the chime of the door bell signalling someone was entering.
I suddenly felt like I was being watched, I lifted my head and peered around the café. My eyes suddenly spotted someone familiar, someone that had clouded my dreams since the day I spotted him in the club. It was him. It was the man from the club, but what shocked me more was the fact that he was staring right at me.
I quickly dropped my gaze back down to my book, feeling embarrassed for being caught. His presence made me uncomfortable, it was like he was an old friend I hadn't seen in a few years so now the conversation was awkward. I tried hard to refocus my attention back onto the book, but after rereading the same page for the fifth time and still not knowing what was going on, I gave up. My mind was preoccupied on him. It was as if my brain was wired to think of him and him only.
Soon enough my food arrived, I thanked the waitress and dived in. I tried to pay him no mind, but I would catch myself occasionally stealing glances in his direction. He looked so calm and beautiful in the small café. He sat with a coffee on the table and todays newspaper in his hand. His eyebrows scrunched up as he focused on what he was reading. Him being distracted gave me the perfect opportunity to get a good look at him.
The suit was gone and replaced by a pair of black jeans, a brown sweater and a grey coat. To say he was godlike is an understatement.
He seemed to notice my intense staring and lifted his head. For the second time since I'd met him, he had a smirk on his face. I blushed, knowing I was once again caught and looked down at my food. I heard the sound of the chair opposite me being pulled back and the sound of a cup being placed on the wooden table. I looked up and he was there.
"We always seem to have staring competitions when we meet." He said with a chuckle at the end. My brain had stopped functioning at the sound of his rough voice. I didn't know what to say, so I just stared at him, confused.
Then it was if my body had suddenly regained its senses as my brain formed a sentence together and my mouth spat it out, "I guess we do."
He smiled down at me, "And you are?", he asked as he gestured to me with his hands.
"Oh, um, I'm Ella Thomas." I answered, "And you are?"
"My name is Hades Knight." He replied with a wicked grin.
1003 words.
A bit on the short side but I wanted to get something out.
Hope you all are staying safe! Lots of love, see you all next time x

أدب المراهقينThey say gut feelings are your guardian angels, Ella Thomas will soon find out that hers was leading her to something she could never imagine existed. Hades has watched over Ella since the day she was born, he was her guardian angel from the depths...