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Hade's point of view - that night

I had woken up this morning with the same dread which had consumed me for the last four centuries, but my heart seemed to flutter at the thought of seeing her. It was like I was reborn, I rushed out of bed and into the kitchen, grabbing something to eat. I wasted no time in going to my study, sure this was the underworld but I did have a house. I opened the portal and gazed at the beauty before me, it was her, my Ella. For the last 20 years the portal had been focused on her, but before that I used to use it as my personal entertainment. Think of it as a TV, one which could zoom in on any person or any place you wanted, I could hear everything that was going on and at times I almost believed I was there.

The portal is where it all started, it's where I found my Ella. It just so happened that one day I was looking through the portal for something interesting, something to keep me busy. I had found a couple fighting outside a hospital and found it quite amusing, so I stayed to watch. But my attention soon wavered as I saw a man rushing a very heavily pregnant women into the hospital. To say I was intrigued was an understatement, I had followed them in, wanting to see more. They were pulled into a room and I gave them their privacy.

I don't even know why I had stayed there, with my portal or personal screen focused on the door of the room but I did. I stayed for about 4 hours and just as I was about to question by mental health I heard a cry.

I couldn't stop myself, I peaked in and saw a little thing wrapped up in a soft pale pink blanket. She had settled down and was placed in her mothers arms, I watched with a smile on my face as her big blue eyes looked around the room, then at me.

It was like she was staring right at me and could see me, but that was impossible. A sense of peace had consumed me that day and for a brief moment the darkness disappeared and was replaced by a feeling I couldn't quite place.

I had stayed for the first few years as I felt the need to make sure she was protected, but by the time she had reached her teens I stayed because I was intrigued. I was intrigued by her, the way her nose scrunched up when she read, or how she closed her eyes while breathing in the smell of hot chocolate before she took a sip or the way a small dimple grew on her left cheek when she smiled.

By the time she had reached 18 I was in love, deeply in love. And the only thing I so desperately wanted was for her to love me back, but that I was impossible. I wouldn't ruin her life by making my presence known.

My phone suddenly rang, breaking my train of thoughts, I looked down at the caller ID and saw it was Jason, he was one of my best friends and one hell of a good guard. He protected the gateway to the underworld.

"Jason." I said, not really in the mood to listen to whatever he had to say, most of the time he would speak about a hot spirit that had entered the underworld. I turned my attention to the portal, it had found Ella and I was glad.

"Hades, we have a problem." He answered back, he sounded anxious. I rolled my eyes, I didn't have time to deal with this, I needed to see Ella.

"Look, I don't really have time right now to be dealing with this. Can't you just sort it out?"

"It's about Ella." He blurted out and I stilled.

"What about Ella." I demanded.

"There was a slipup at the gate, some spirit came in and went crazy, but when the guards arrested him he calmed down and managed to slip me a piece of paper before he was dragged away." I was interested now.

"What does this have to do with Ella?" I quizzed.

"The papers said that I must warn you that humans are very fragile and you should watch over yours." Silence, absolute silence. That's all that was heard across the line

"Who. Sent. It." I breathed out and I tried to control my anger, someone was threatening me and using my angel as a target.

"Uhmmm." Was all that I heard.

"Now Jason!" I bellowed through the phone.

"It was the Kronos." He muttered, barely audible, even to my ears.

I gripped the side of my desk trying to calm down, but it didn't work. I looked up and my eyes happened to catch sight of Ella, she was still asleep. Her lips slightly parted and her hair sprawled out on her pillow. My breathing slowly began to relax and my grip loosened on the desk.

"If my father wants a war, then a war is what he'll get." My voice was cold, even to me.

"A war!" Jason basically screamed through the phone.

"Yes Jason, no one threatens Ella and gets away without a punishment" I rolled my eyes, tired of this conversation already.

"Oh and Jason, prepare the gateway."

"Why?" He inquired.

"We're going to Earth."


Updated early!

chapter 3 should be out sometime next week!

I hope you guys enjoyed this, see you all next time

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