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Ella's point of view 

important author's note at the end - please read! 

By the time the carriage had arrived in the Underworld, the streets were quiet and the sky illuminated only by the glow of the soft twinkling stars. My head lay lazily upon Hades' shoulder. I had twisted my body towards the window of the carriage, trying to catch glimpses of the scenery as we passed. 

However, the sky was too dark and the trees too thick for me to see anything. I closed my eyes slowly, trying desperately to fight off sleep. The cobblestones we rode over jostled the carriage now and again and I hoped it would wake me but nothing came. The road ahead was smooth as we drew closer to the castle of the night. 

I yawned softly as we approached the gates of the castle. Their wrought iron grip protected the castle from unwelcome visitors and enclosed the beauty of the grounds. I always had wondered who would dare step foot unwantedly on the palace grounds. Jason had, however, informed me that it was simply a protective measure. There were enemies out in the world and Kronos was not the only thorn that seemed to prick Hades' side. 

I found myself slowly snuggling in closer towards Hades and I watched the guards by the gate slowly open it for us. The carriage was warm and Hades provided comfort. I could feel myself slipping slightly into the awaiting darkness, but I willed myself not to. 

I watched in staggering wonder as the carriage drew nearer towards the castle. The grounds were illuminated by the stars and tall victorian lamp posts that were placed along the many pathways of the palace grounds. The castle looked warm and inviting, calling me closer as I drifted further into sleep. 

"Sleep now my sweet, I am here," Hades whispered into my ear. His breath tickled my cheek and I could feel his gentle fingers run through my slightly knotted hair. 

I felt one more yawn escape me before drifting off into the inevitable darkness. It beckoned me forward, wrapping itself warmly around me like a blanket of the night. I could subtly feel being lifted and carried out of the carriage, but then the darkness encompassed me fully. Sending me off into a peaceful slumber. 

The darkness felt more real than normal as if I truly wasn't asleep. It felt strange, to feel like floating on a soft pillow of air surrounded by onyx. It was eerily quiet, yet somehow peaceful. The dangers of reality could not follow me here. They did not threaten my existence or plague me here. 

It was then when I had let the pillow of air surround me, did the scenery change. I was suddenly no longer in a black abyss but now on a field. It was surrounded by an endless overgrown forest of evergreen trees that seemed to overtake the earth and threaten the gods above with their height. I turned around, letting my long dress drift smoothly across the ground. The other side of the field was surrounded by a staggering cliff face. 

It too threatened the gods, the mountain of stone pushing upwards into the clouds. Desperately clawing its way to Olympus, but never quite reaching. The cliff face was sheer and ragged, making it impossible for anyone to climb or conquer. 

I thought of how many may have tried and failed to climb the highland. The sky above was dark and grumbled with the threaten of thunder. I smiled gently, wondering who had pissed Zeus off. There was a calmness that seemed to wash over me as I ran my hands through the long grass. Taking in the beauty of the land before me. 

Zeus' thunder did not scare me, I knew that as long as I was alive the gods would not harm me. Even in the afterlife, their loyalty belonged to Hades and his heart belonged to mine. 

Suddenly a figure appeared on the other side of the field, dressed in an all-black military uniform. I had to squint my eyes greatly to try to take in the sight. He stood regally, his thick dark curls swayed softly in the lazy breeze. His uniform was decorated with shiny medals that dazzled in the peeping sunlight. It was unlike anything I had ever seen. He projected this power and darkness that seemed to seep off of him. 

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