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Hades' point of view

"It's Ella." He breathed out.

Those two words made my heart pick up pace inside chest, the feeling of my heart pounding against my rib cage made it harder to breathe. My mind swirled with thoughts about what he could mean.

"What about Ella?" I growled, the pounding had begun in my head and I was growing impatient.

"Hades you have to calm down," Ethan gulped and glanced towards Jason before refocusing his attention on me, "you can not go around killing people once I tell you."

A deep rumble formed in the back of my throat, it was loud enough to shake the glass doors and out of the corner of my eye I could see both Jason and Ethan wince.

"Spit it out Ethan I do not have time for this." I threatened.

Ethan swallowed slowly before opening his mouth and explaining what happened. "On my way back I noticed Ella walking towards her house."

God, so he was wasting my time telling me how she was walking home, I already knew she was out with her friends.

Before I could say a word he continued, "She wasn't herself though, she seemed frantic and scared so I thought it would be best to watch her. When I started walking in her direction I noticed a shadow following her, when I got closer I saw who it was and I ran here as quickly as I could."

"You're telling me you saw a shadow following her home and you decided that it would be a brilliant idea to run here and tell me instead of staying with her!" The growl returned and I could feel myself slowly loosing control.

The darkness which I tried so desperately to keep buried deep within myself was surfacing and I was worried that it would unbury itself from the deepest pits I had hid it in. I had fought day and night to keep it at bay and I had succeed for the last couple of centuries. I was a desperate man swimming in a sea of darkness trying to stay afloat, but now it felt like I was drowning.

"Hades I would not have been able to protect her if I was to stay that is why I came here, you're the only one strong enough." Ethan pipped up, he was trying desperately to defend himself.

"Who could be stronger than a guard from the underworld?" I quizzed, not really wanting to know the answer to that question.

Ethan was a strong guard and warrior, he was a war general in his past life and was feared by many, if he wasn't strong enough for the shadow I knew it had to be a god or someone with power like the gods. This realization scared me, what was a god doing near my Ella?

I focused my gaze on Ethan, studying his every move. Fear, it was practically rolling off of him in waves. "Who was it Ethan?" I forced out through gritted teeth.

"It was Theseus." He murmured, so quietly that if I was not listening carefully I would have missed it.

Theseus. That name belonged to a soul tainted black, one that had deep roots in evil. He was a weed that I could not get rid of no matter how much poison I poured down. His name was the oxygen to my fire of anger, he only fueled me and made the anger within me brew more.

I did not stay to hear the rest of Ethan's story, I grabbed my coat that laid lazily on the chair next to me and bolted out of the hotel suite. I could faintly hear Jasons pleas in the background but I could not be bothered to stop.

I sprinted out of the lobby and onto the crowded streets of Vancouver and if it was any other night I would have stopped to appreciate the beautiful night life in front of me. However, tonight I had no time to waste.

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