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Hades' point of view

After my encounter with Ella earlier this week she had been the only thing on my mind. Days had passed since our last encounter and it was nearing the end of the week. After seeing her in the café I decided that it would be best to give her some time before I saw her again.

I had spent most of the last few days inside the hotel, the room I stayed in had a large balcony which looked out onto the city. I often found myself outside on the balcony late at night, wondering what she was doing.

I was tormented by her, her voice, her eyes, her smile, everything about her plagued my mind. I would sit outside on the balcony and think of her.

Tonight was no different than the previous ones. I once again found myself on the balcony staring out onto the town below. I wonder if she thinks about me the way I think about her? Since coming to earth my feelings had increased by ten folds. I had to remind myself that I was here to protect her and that the second this was all over I would return to the depths of the underworld by myself.

She would stay here on Earth, live out here days and when the time came I knew she would go to the Gods or at the very least she would go to Elysium. Not many people get to spend their afterlife in Elysium and even less get to be with the Gods.

My Ella was different though, her soul was not tainted like those around her. It was pure and filled with light. Some souls are destined from the beginning of time to spend their days amongst the Gods and I knew she was one.

If the Gods didn't approve of her she would go to Elysium, the land of the good. Very few humans get to go there after death. Those that lived their lives in peace and harmony and had pure hearts got to stay here. The others spent the rest of eternity in the darkest depths of the underworld, surrounded by the twisted evil souls of the past.

My Ella would not go there, so I knew that our paths were star-crossed. I was only meant to love her from afar, never up close.

She would live out her life in Elysium for the rest of eternity while I ran the underworld alone. I had long ago accepted this fate, but tried not to think of it often as it saddened me beyond words.

Pulling myself out from the depths of my thoughts, I looked up at the night sky. Dusk had long since gone and the hues of red and pink had morphed into black.

Suddenly a figure plopped themselves down beside me, turning my head I gazed at the intruder. It was Jason.

"You seem upset." He stated. I looked at him more closely, he had his head pointed towards the sky and was looking at the sky.

"Just thinking." I replied meekly.

"It's about her isn't it?"

I smiled softly, everything was about her. "Always." I answered.

Jason and I were both looking out onto the buildings below, it was a peaceful night and we both fell into a comfortable silence.

"Tell me about her." Jason broke the silence between us.

"What do you want to know?"

"Anything, everything. What makes her so special?" He wondered.

I couldn't help but laugh, what didn't make her special?

"She's different." I replied. Jason gave me a look and opened his mouth to say something, but I cut him off.

"Since the beginning of time I have met every soul that has entered the underworld. I have seen what human greed and lust does to people. It taints their souls black, it brings out the worst in them." I had captured Jason's attention now, so I continued.

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