Ella's point of view
The light morning sun rays danced on top of my skin. I watched in amazement, through half-shut sleepy eyes, as the rays fluttered through the slight break in the thick, dark curtains.
The air around me was cold compared to my warm body, the heat of the room seemed to have increased compared to the first night I stayed here.
As I dozed, slipping in and out of consciousness, my eyes caught sight of the male clothes hanging on a chair I did not remember having in my room. Slowly I realized that in fact, this was not my room, to begin with.
The walls were too dark and the bed far too large compared to before. The heavy arm slung casually across my waist suddenly came to my attention and I stilled, only now realizing I was not alone.
I could feel the person behind me was still asleep, his chest rose and fell steadily, but softly, against my back which was pressed onto him.
I carefully lifted the hand and turned around. There before me lay Hades, perfectly still and asleep. His soft black curls looked wild as he slept with his mouth still half-open.
I could not help but smile at him, he seemed so strong and rugged at times, but now as he slept before me he seemed calm and gentle.
Two words I don't think have ever been used to describe the god before me. To others, he was their king.
The king of the underworld, the king of everything that was believed to be dark and twisted. I thought of what others thought of him. The power he held scared them, the gods had believed for centuries that they were above nature. Above every mortal, but the thought of being just as weak as those they deemed below them, scared the gods.
They sat on their mountain living the life they had so easily been given, while Hades sat in the underworld drowning in the dark flames.
They enveloped him, covered his soul, and tainted his mind. They told him untruths of his being and took control of his soul when no one was watching.
Yet, to me, these stories did not scare me. The death and bloodshed did not push me away but instead pulled me in. The dancing flames beckoned for me, called me to join them in a slow dance they had carefully choreographed.
My entire being ached for his, to be with him, for the rest of time. Deep down I wondered how that could be?
Was it possible to be his for eternity? Certainly not. The gods on the mountain had not blessed me enough for that to happen.
To me, he was simply Hades, the man that had stolen my heart before I had even noticed. He was the one I craved to be with. To me, he was not just a god or a king to the people of the underworld, he was everything I would ever need.
I glanced again towards the man next to me, his eyes still peacefully shut. I wondered what he was dreaming about, I wondered if he dreamed at all. I carefully pulled myself closer to him, snuggling into the warmth his body provided.
His scent engulfed me, filled my senses, and muddled my thoughts. His strong arms wrapped tighter around my waist and his head nudged my neck slightly.
I looked up again and saw that now his eyes were open and were gazing down at me. In the soft morning rays of sunlight, he looked at me in a way no one had ever done before. His gaze was soft and warm, drowsiness still plagued him and I could not help but see the happiness flutter within his eyes.
He looked at me with such longing and love that I wondered if anyone has ever looked at him that way.
"Good morning my sweet," He whispered, his lips now brushing slowly across my neck.

Teen FictionThey say gut feelings are your guardian angels, Ella Thomas will soon find out that hers was leading her to something she could never imagine existed. Hades has watched over Ella since the day she was born, he was her guardian angel from the depths...