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Ella's point of view

"My name is Hades Knight." He replied with a wicked grin.

I gulped, not knowing what to say. There in front of me was the most attractive guy on the planet and I couldn't even get a word out of my mouth.

Before I could open my mouth and blurt out something that was only going to further embarrass me, Hades spoke up.

"What book do you have there?" He asked, motioning to the book casually lying on the side of the coffee table.

"Oh, um it's called Lab Girl, its a memoir I'm reviewing." I was shocked that he was interested, he didn't seem like the type to read books.

"Reviewing?" He questioned with a puzzled look on his face.

"I work as a book reviewer, I read books that the company I work at send me and then I write short reviews based on them and they publish them." I was sure that he would laugh, maybe even make fun of me for what I did. Well, that's what everyone else does when they find out how I spend my time.

"That's really pretty cool."

Wait, what?

My head whipped up at him and noticed how he was smiling, a genuine smile.

"Excuse me?" I couldn't help but ask.

"I said that I think what you do is pretty cool." I took in his appearance, he was sitting comfortably on the chair opposite me and had taken his coat off. "Sorry, it's just I don't usually get that kind of response when I tell people what I do."

"What do you mean?" He was leaning forward now.

"People normally laugh then ask what I really do as a job. Then when I tell them that I actually am a book reviewer they look at me weirdly or usually make a joke about how it was a waste of a English degree." By now my head was down and I was fiddling with me hands. Why was I spilling my guts to a stranger? He probably didn't care anyways.

I had only just met the guy for gods sake. Yet, it was like I had known him for my entire life. There was something so eerily similar to him. His eyes were the same ones that had appeared in my dreams every night, not just since the club, but from when I was younger. I would wake up having dreamt of this pair of eyes, I was sure it was his.

I looked up again, sneaking a glance at his eyes. Dark blue. Yes, those were the eyes. Dark blue, nearly blackish grey like the sea on a rough cold day when the wind howls around you like a wolf and the sea looks like it's about to swallow you whole. When I saw him at the club, I had mistaken them for grey, but now in the sunlight I could see that they definitely a dark blue.

I hadn't noticed it, but I had slowly leaned in and was just a few inches away from him. He didn't seem bothered as he too was leaning in. Once I realised how close we were I immediately retreated back to my own personal space.

Space. That was good, just create some place from the man that seemed to attract me like a magnet.

"Um, I've got to be going now, it was nice meeting you Hades." I mumbled while hurriedly packing up my stuff and leaving some money on the table.

"So soon?" He asked, standing up with me.

He was tall, taller then I imagined during all my daydreaming of him since the club. I barely reached his shoulder and my shows had slight heels. I tried to ignore the man in front of me and the tugging feeling to stay.

"Yes, I'm afraid I've got to get home." If I wasn't so flustered from his close proximity I may have been able to come up with a better excuse but it was the first thing that I blurted out.

I turned towards the door and was about to head out when I hand caught my own.

Sparks. That's all I felt throughout my arm. It was as if someone wrapped a warm blanket around me and was shooting small electric current throughout my arm. I gasped and pulled my hand back.

I stared in bewilderment at the man before me, he too looked stunned. Choosing to ignore the tugging feeling in my gut I muttered out a "I should be going." and left the café.

For a few seconds I thought he finally chose to listen to me and let me be, but I was never right.

The sound of feet hitting the pavement could be heard and before I realised, he was beside me. "I think we got off to the wrong start. Why don't we start over?"

I looked up at him, and couldn't help the wild beating of butterfly wings in my stomach. He was smiling down at me. He seemed sincere and didn't give off the whole serial killer vibes.

Before logic could come forward, my head was nodding and my mouth seemed to have a mind of its own. "Sure, okay we can do that."

He seemed stunned that I agreed but I chose to ignore it and we carried on walking.

"So where exactly are we going?" I questioned while we aimlessly walked alongside the road.

"Well we could go to the ice-cream parlor around the corner then go for a walk in the park?" He questioned and before I could even answer he was talking again, "I mean that's if you like ice-cream and want to go to the park. We could always meet another time and get to know one another."

"Its fine Hades, lets go." I smiled up at him and he seemed to calm slightly.

We reached the ice-cream parlor and ordered our flavors before walking across the road to the park. We found a quite bench under a large oak tree which provided a shady place to sit and a beautiful view of the lake in front of us.

We sat in a peaceful eating our ice-cream, but I couldn't help but ask the question that had been on my mind since Hades approached me in the café.

"Why are you interested in being friends with me." I couldn't help but ask.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, its just you only saw me once at the club the other night and then you approached me at the café and suddenly want to get to know me. I mean you could be a serial killer for all I know!" I raised my voice slightly near the end unintentionally, and when I looked up at Hades he was trying not to laugh but failing miserably.

"What's so funny?" I asked.

"Its just you think I'm a serial killer." He said between laughs.

"Well I mean that is the only logically reason to why you're talking to me. You know to warm me up to you just so you can kidnap me and take me to the woods and kill me." I stated calmly.

He laughed again and I couldn't help but smile slightly.

"Trust me Ella, I'm not going to kidnap you and kill you in the woods. I generally am interested in getting to know you. I just moved into town and I don't know anyone here but my one friend and when I saw you in the club you happened to catch my eye. So now imagine my shock when I see you at the café, I knew I had to get to know you and at least make one friend." He sounded genuine and I couldn't help but believe him.

"Okay, well then I'm more then happy to be your first official friend here, but don't worry Camden is a small town, before you know it you'll know everyone." I laughed slightly thinking about how everyone really does know everyone here.

"I guess you're right but I don't mind just being friends with you."


1336 words,

the chapter lengths will start increasing as the plot continues, for now we're still getting to know the characters so they wont be as long, sorry.

Thank you to everyone who reads my book, it really does mean a lot.

If you have any suggestions or feedback please comment, and if you are enjoying the story please vote! It really does make my day.

As always stay safe and indoors.

lots of love

- s

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