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Hades' point of view - continued

"Earth!" Jason all but screamed through the phone.

"Yes Jason, now I don't have time to argue. Get packing we leave at dusk" I mumbled before hanging up.

If someone had to walk in at this very moment, I would definitely be a site for sore eyes. My hands gripped the oak desk beneath me and my breathing was shallow and coming out in short bursts.

I couldn't take it, the thought of someone harming my sweet innocent Ella. The same Ella who had kept me breathing these last 20 years, the same Ella who consumed every thought that entered my head, the same Ella who had managed to, without even trying, break my obsidian heart.

Somehow through my blinding rage, I managed to catch a glimpse of the portal.

There she was, Ella. My Ella.

She slept soundly in her bed, unaware of the threat on her life. Sighing, I turned towards the window, it was midday now, yet the land was dark as the clouds blocked all light from entering. The garden below the castle was in perfect condition and if it was any other day I would have gladly spent an hour or two roaming the castle's grounds, but today was not a day to be spent doing nothing.

With one last glance out the window I turned and took one last look at Ella before leaving the room. She was still sound asleep.

I spent the rest of the day preparing for our trip to earth. I didn't know how long Jason and I would spend there, but we would stay for as long as we needed to in order to sort this whole thing out and make sure Ella was safe.

An hour before dusk I was done packing and had sorted everything we would need in order to stay on Earth. Everything was ready, we would be staying in a nice hotel not far from where Ella lived in Vancouver, Canada.

I had scouted the area for a place to stay not far from where she lived and I was pleasantly surprised to find a hotel only 5 minutes away.

With nothing left to do to pass the remaining time till we departed, I turned to the portal. It was still on and focused on Ella. She was now rummaging through her closet looking for something.

I couldn't help but laugh when she gave up and sat on the pile of clothes in the floor with a huff. After a minute or two she got back up and headed towards a bag which was perched on top of a chair on the other side of the room.

She looked through the bag and pulled out something made of a deep red material. What was she doing?

She eyed the piece of fabric as if she was having an internal battle with herself. After a couple of seconds it seemed like she had made up her mind as she headed towards her bathroom with the red fabric in hand.

I heard the water turn on and knew she was having a shower. I sat down behind my desk and gazed out of the floor to ceiling windows as I waited for her to be done.

My attention refocused on Ella when I heard the water stop and the door open. What I saw shocked me. The red fabric was a dress, not just any dress, but a dress that seemed to have been made to fit her perfectly. It was skin tight and made every curve of her body visible to me. The crimson dress was short and reached mid-thigh, it was enough to make anyone stop and stare at her beauty.

After a minute of me staring my lungs began to burn and I had to remind myself to breath. I watched like a puppy as she gracefully moved around the room packing things away, then she sat at her dressing table and applied her makeup and curled her long hair. She then moved towards her bed where she picked up the heels she had set aside long ago. She slipped them on and continued moving around the room looking for something, all the while humming a soft tune.

The spell she had me under broke when the door to my office swung open and knocked the solid wall behind it. I wanted to scream at the person who had interrupted my time with Ella. Sure it seemed weird that I watched her through a portal from the depths of the underworld, but I didn't care.

I looked up at the intruder and saw Jason, he looked surprisingly calm compared to the how frantic he sounded on the phone just a few hours ago.

"Jason. is there a reason you're interrupting me?" I barked, my eyes never leaving Ella as she scrambled around the room.

"It's dusk." He answered simply.

Turning towards the large windows, I only now noticed that the sky had begun to grow much darker than it had been throughout the day. "I suppose it is," I replied, "well we best be on our way then."

"I'll meet you in the car then." He was already halfway out the house before I could reply.

Sighing I turned my attention back towards Ella. I gazed into the portal for the last time in a while and watched with a smile on my face as she finally found what she was looking for, her clutch. She quickly stashed her phone and some money in the small bag before running down the stairs.

I closed the portal before I too ran down the stairs and into the car.

We drove towards the gateway, it was only a few minutes away. When we arrived I jumped out and grabbed my bags. I looked at Jason and back at the portal. He nodded, and with that we both stepped in. It took no less then a minute to reach Vancouver. The gateway opened in an alley way next to the hotel we were staying in. Jason and I hurriedly checked into the hotel and went to our rooms.

After finding out about the threat from my father I sent three of my best guards to earth to watch over Ella before I arrived. Just after we arrived I received a message that Ella was headed out to some club with friends. I knew immediately who the friends were, Camila and Davies. They must be going out for Ella's birthday.

I texted back and asked which club they were headed too.

After a 5 minute wait I received a reply and with that Jason and I headed out to the club. We arrived 15 minutes later, as I walked into the club I looked around and found where the guards were. Luc, Thomas and Ethan had known me for a long time and they are part of the few people I trust, including Jason.

They were sitting in the VIP area and blended in perfectly with the rest of the people there. We were all wearing dark black suits, which didn't stand out in the crowd of wealthy people. As I reached the booth they were seated in I scanned the room trying to find Ella.

When I found her she was scanning the room as well, she suddenly caught my gaze and it was then when the world seemed to stop. The music around us faded and I couldn't help but smirk at her. She truly was a goddess, sent to haunt me for the rest of eternity. Her piercing blue eyes and that deep red dress enticed me.

I noticed the way she shivered under my stare and I couldn't help but smirk more. I was snapped once again out of my trance when she ran off into the crowd. I nearly panicked but luckily I saw her reappear moments later next to Camila and Davies. I couldn't hear what they were saying over the thumping of the music, but I saw Ella walk out just seconds later. I followed her out and stood near the entrance way as she waited outside, I guess for an uber.

She must have noticed my presence because she turned around and nervously looked at me. I couldn't help but smile, she really was an angel.

She hurriedly rushed into the car when it arrived and stole one last glance back at me before the car drove off.

This was the closest I had ever been to Ella, my Ella. Yet it didn't satisfy the need to be closer to her, it only seemed to intensify it.


Hey there!

sorry for the late update, life has been hectic. But to make it up to you I made this chapter much longer than normal it is 1471 words! I hope you enjoyed it, please comment and vote if you liked it, it would mean the world to me!

Please note that this book is unedited and therefore most likely contains mistakes, please be kind when correcting me, thank you!

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