Ella's point of view
I was late, really late. Today was my 20th birthday and I was being forced by my best friends to go out to celebrate. I had desperately pleaded them for the last three days not to go, I had even offered that we go out to watch a movie and have pizza instead, but according to them this wasn't up for discussion.
I was always the quiet one in school, the straight A student who loved to read. I wasn't bullied much in school because of it, but that was simply because of two reasons. One, I wasn't what you called your typical nerd, I didn't wear glasses and I have always been a bit more on the lean side as I enjoyed long runs, the second reason was because I was bestfriends with the two most popular kids in school Camila and Davies. We had been friends since kinder garden and when they became popular everyone left me alone and didn't bother judging me. Camila is one of the funniest and most out going people I have ever met, she was always the life of the party no matter where she went and I slightly envied her confidence. Davies on the other hand was a total jock, he always had women falling to his feet, even after high school ended, but he was also the big brother that both Camila and I never had. We both had older sisters, so it was nice to know he had our backs.
I suddenly snapped out of my thoughts, realizing that I only had 10 minutes left. I rummaged around my room looking for something to wear, I eventually settled on the red dress Camila had given me yesterday as an early birthday gift.
It was the only thing that would fit the occasion, even though it was short, hugged my body like a second skin and something I would never normally wear, I didn't have time to find anything else. I paired it with a pair of red heels and applied my makeup quickly.
As I had just finished curling my hair, the doorbell rang, I knew it was Camila and Davies so I rushed to put my phone and some money in my black clutch.
I bolted down the stairs and opened the door to be met with my two favourite people.
"You actually wore the dress." Camila said stunned.
"Yes, I didn't have anything else and I was in a bit of a rush." I breathed out, trying to catch my breath from running around for the last 10 minutes like a crazy women.
Davies just let out a laugh, which was followed by the line he always said when I was in these situations. "Typical Ella, always running late." I rolled my eyes, ignoring him while I shut and locked the door.
"Let's just get this night over with please." I said while getting into the car.
We arrived at the club about ten minutes later and as we entered I could smell the alcohol in the air. I really didn't feel like this. The whole way here Camila and Davies had tried to convince me that this would be fun and that I needed to loosen up for once.
I made my way to an empty seat, not in the mood to dance. My eyes scanned the room. The music was pumping and people were dancing as if there was no tomorrow, people were lined up around the bar waiting for a drink and a couple of others were in the secluded VIP area. The club was quite popular and many wealthy businessman and the rich came here. I continued to look around the room until my eyes fell onto something, well more like someone.
There was a man sitting in the VIP area with a couple of other men around him, he was extremely good looking, but that's not what caught my eye, what did was the fact that he was staring right at. His gaze was strong and I couldn't help the shiver which raked through my body. He noticed it and smirked.
I looked away as I felt the blood rush to my face. I looked at my phone a saw that it was 1 am, it was late and I really didn't want to spend any longer here than I had to. I spotted both Camila and Davies on the dance floor, I grabbed by bag and headed their way.
"Hey guys it's late, I'm going home!" I screamed over the deafening music.
"Ok, do you mind if we stay a little longer?" Camila asked. They both looked like they were having so much fun and I couldn't ask them to leave now.
"Sure, I'll just get an Uber home." I said smiling
"Oh and don't do anything I wouldn't." I winked as I eyed the guy and girl at the bar which I saw them dancing with earlier.
They both laughed and hugged me, we then agreed that we'll meet up later this weekend or next week sometime. With that I left the club and waited outside for the Uber to arrive. As I was standing there I couldn't help but feel like someone was watching me, I turned around and saw the guy from earlier. He was staring at me from the entrance, his eyes were a hypnotizing grey and I couldn't help but stare. He was dressed in a smart black suit that was obviously tailored for him. I didn't know what brand it was, but it was expensive, that I did know.
I heard the car pull up and I climbed in, before the car drove off I took one final look at those grey eyes that would certainly be in my mind for the next couple of days.
First chapter done! I would like to thank you for giving this story a try and I hope you enjoy.
This book will switch between point of views, so you can be told the story through both Ella's and Hades' eyes. The next chapter should be out next week sometime, I have four exams this week and then I'm done!
Anyways, the next chapter will be in Hades' point of view.
see you next time

Teen FictionThey say gut feelings are your guardian angels, Ella Thomas will soon find out that hers was leading her to something she could never imagine existed. Hades has watched over Ella since the day she was born, he was her guardian angel from the depths...