Chapter 1: Winds of Bad Omen

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YEAR 1123 AC

—At King's Landing

Today marked the fourth anniversary of the unfortunate death of Queen Shiera of the House Baratheon, the Third of Her Name. She had passed away after a prolonged sudden battle with a mysterious illness at 44 years old. Despite passaging time since her death, the common folk still mourn for losing such a beloved popular monarch and would often sing sad songs in the streets such as 'Oh Queen Mother' or 'Shiera the Pure.'

Today should have been a moment of prayer... but misery and despair had engulfed the kingdom.

For the past century, the Age of Industry saw a significant rise in Westeros becoming more technologically advanced; from Dorne to the North, great machinery brought wealth to the rich and powerful—but such recent acceleration had come at the cost of human dignity with the eventual rise of much larger slums in Flea Bottom; many downtrodden residents instead refer to this day as the Age of Oppression. With the ascension of Queen Shiera's eldest son Argilac to the throne as King Argilac the Fourth, he appeared to have the makings of a great ruler—only to be met with disappointment when his true colors had shown and realized he turned out to be a most unfortunate successor. Once he had assumed power, Argilac taxed the people heavily, forced people to work long hours in factories with the addition of child labor, sidelined the Westerosi Parliament and has repeatedly prevented their calls for a Great Council from taking place... worse still was that he was exceedingly cruel in his punishments of those who dared speak up against him: imprisonment or death... but only after being subjected to such brutal torture first.

Fear, terror... King Argilac of the House Baratheon, the Fourth of His Name ruled with an iron fist these past four years.

Red Keep — Daemon's room...

Within the halls of the Red Keep, an elderly servant arrived in one room to awaken a certain individual. Jarger, a man well into his late-60s, had been in servitude to the royal family since the reign of Argilac's mother, his grandfather King Ormund II, and great-grandfather King Robert VIII. Tasked with catering to the care of House Baratheon's children, Jarger dutifully himself to them as their attendant. Noticing the enormous bed beside him was still occupied, Jarger could not help but not feel surprised at the sleeping youth's laziness. Having pulled back the shades to the bedchamber's window, he briefly gazed out to the streets below.

"Another day, another moment of sorrow. What a dreadfully sorry sight," the old man sighed with regret. Perhaps he was a bit too loud as his remark's caused a stir. Indeed, Jarger noticed the bed shift slightly with an audible groan. "Finally awake, are you? We finally have a rather beautiful day now that the dreadful rainstorm passed. We should not waste such a respite in bed, wouldn't you say?" he asked.

With that, Jarger pulled the covers to reveal a groggy 18-year-old Prince. Daemon Baratheon was the younger son of Queen Shiera III and her consort Jaerys Velaryon of Driftmark—making him second-in-line to the throne behind his older brother King Argilac IV. Both Baratheon brothers were never close in their childhood; although it has never been explicitly mentioned or discussed among the populace, it has been implied that Argilac bullied and abused Daemon physically or emotionally when they were children. Because of that, the young Prince made certain to keep his distance from his brother.

"Mmm... what? Oh, five more minutes, Jarger," Daemon groaned with a yawn.

"Now that is not how a Prince of your stature should behave. Come now. You have a busy day ahead. Rise and shine," he replied before ripping the sheets off.

Daemon's eyes narrowed as he held one hand up to shield himself from the bright rays of the sun. But at the foot of his bed awoke his furry companion.

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