Chapter 2: Aggressive Negotiations

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King's Landing — Westeroi Parliament...

The Westerosi Parliament, the kingdom's officially acknowledged legislative body was founded 220 years ago in 903 AC following the ratification of the Acts of Union law signed and decreed by King Steffon VII Baratheon, known historically as Steffon the Wise – allowing the Great Houses' high lords and ladies and even lesser ones to have a say in the governing of the realm with Steffon's good friend and then-Hand of the King Lord Gerold Lannister serving as the Kingdom of Westeros's first Prime Minister. Each member of parliament from across Westeros would congregate to the Chamber of the Oathkeeper near the Dragonpit for voting on proposed legislation before sending it to the Prime Minister's desk for review; however, because the royal assent is required for any proposal to become law, the Prime Minister themselves often had to advise the reigning monarch and his/her Small Council – to which the monarch can either approve or veto.

Large yet distinctive, the esteemed chamber was once a building full of life and visiting dignitaries along the golden roads of the Street of the Sisters was instead replaced with a multitude of guards and a swarm of demonstrators – demanding answers or otherwise wanting their voices to be heard. Indeed, it was bound to be hell. 1,500 nobles acting as parliamentarians and their court pages sit in the rectangular assembly area as the current Prime Minister, Lord Garland Mallister of Seagard, preparing to take to the podium.

"Before I begin roll call," he began, "it has come to my attention that this afternoon's request from the Finance Committee and the Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on has Braavosi Relations been postponed until next week due to concerns regarding the security of this proud nation and the well-being of its people. Rich and poor, young or old. These are troubling times as you yourselves are no doubt aware with tensions between this distinguished body and the Crown—"

"No shit there's a list of reasons that's in dire need of addressing! The recent rumors surrounding the death of Lord Bracken raises a great deal of concern. The Crown keeps flaunting its responsibility to govern the realm in a more dignified and sensible reason!" exclaimed Ser Reginald Hightower, parliamentarian of High Tower.

"Why bother? As a practical matter, this parliament no longer exists as it were during the days of absolute rule," asked Lady Jenna Blackwood, MP from Raventree Hall. "Who knows where all this madness ends? Next thing you know it's one of us that's—"

"Silence, wench! You speak of treason! What if the wrong people heard you say that?!" shouted Ser Maximillian Florent, MP from Brightwater Keep.

"My lords and ladies!" yelled another.

"Let the Prime Minister speak!" beckoned Lady Briala Greyjoy, MP from Pyke.

"ORDER! ORDER! There will be order!" shouted the Lord Speaker as he banged the gavel on the podium demanding silence.

But for one man leaning against a railing, listening to the bickering, the sight was becoming more unbearable.

"Ugh, madness. Sodding bureaucrats..." groaned Samson, a distinguished history professor at the University of King's Landing and a retired military officer in the Royal Army. A broad-shouldered man well into his late-50s, he is a proven battle commander who led his troops from the rear in countless battles in his youth and rose to national prominence as a war hero during the War against the Band of Twelve in 1089 AC – during which he met and befriended both Jaerys Velaryon and Jon Stark, the future royal consort and Lord of Winterfell respectively.

Because of his tactical prowess in liberating the Stepstones from the band of Lyseni-Tyroshi pirate kings and driving them away from the region, King Ormund III Baratheon personally rewarded Samson with a promotion to the rank of General and soon command of the entire Royal Amy before retiring eight years later. Lifelong military, got the job done, was popular with the troops... Samson had not planned on retiring but was given no choice due to a bad injury sustained in his right knee, resulting in his limp. Upon being honorably discharged, he was hired by the University of King's Landing as a tutor.

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