Chapter 23: Promotions and Storytelling

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—Vale of Arryn—

The Eyrie...

Gawain's return to the Vale had been marked with a hero's welcome. The news success of his mission to destroy the train depot and retrieve Father Lucien had been spread, no doubt by Kay. And of course, the rescue of the hostages by Gawain's men and Daenar's ships only added further acclaim. On his trip to the Eyrie, he had been greeted by throngs of cheers, though Gawain had not felt much like a hero. He had spent the entire voyage to Seagard writing out letters to the families of the men who had perished. Each one is personal and heartfelt.

But he knew in his heart that a letter and the bones of the fallen would hardly make up for the loss of a loved one. Before he entered the council room of the Eyrie, Gawain paused a moment, took a deep breath, and put on his overconfident smile and cavalier attitude. Though it was not long before he had walked into another squabble amongst the highborn lords and their leader.

"My lady, I seriously must object to this notion!" Lord Tavion spoke.

"You must remain in the Vale, my lady," Lady Anya chimed in.

"As the last of House Arryn, you must marry and continue the proud bloodline," Rupert concurred.

Sharra, however, was less than amused. "Your opinion is taken under advisement, my lords and ladies, but as Lady of the Vale it is my decision to make," she refuted. She was preparing for a diplomatic mission to Dorne. Escorted by several Brotherhood of Winged Knights escorts, led by Captain Jasline, her safety was of utmost priority. She wore long open sleeves, cape-like, hanging from the shoulders (not the back of the neck) - again evoking a falcon's wings. These sleeves hang down below the arms, then loop back up to attach to brooches in the middle of the chest. "Only the Dornish remains the wildcard here. I know Princess Arianne and her daughters. I was in parliament with several Dornish delegates. I know- I have known them," she corrected herself, "on a first name basis."

"So send someone else in your stead—

"No, this must be done delicately. Someone else might have gotten it wrong." Sharra then noticed Gawain. "Oh. Captain. I did not hear you enter."

Samson stood there. "This is why I hate politics. Too much handholding and an awful lot of talking," he groaned.

Jaecarys concurred. "But Lady Arryn insists on leading our cause's diplomatic mission to Sunspear. So long as Dorne remains neutral, too many uncertainties remain a problem."

Captain Jasline stood at the front. "The Brotherhood of Winged Knights will keep our lady safe."

"I highly doubt—" Anya tried to speak.

"No, Lady Waynwood," Sharra interrupted. "Captain Jasline saved my life at Gulltown. If it were not for her bravery, those Talons and hill tribes would have killed me. I trust her with my life."

Samson groaned. "Anyway, lad," he turned to Gawain. "I'm sure you're now acquainted with Admiral Jaecarys's nephew. Captain Daenar Velaryon, heir to Driftmark. He's also one of those being evaluated as a potential candidate for our Kingsguard."

The mention of the word Kingsguard immediately brought a mental image of Ser Connas to Gawain's mind, causing his hand to tighten around the hilt of Nightfall. But he quickly dismissed the image, The Butcher's time would come, eventually. "He has a good head on his shoulders, which is for sure. If he does not make it to Kingsguard he could certainly give his uncle a run for the position of Master of Ships," he had heard rumors of potential candidates throughout the rebel-held territories being scouted for a chance to don the white cloak.

"That's not the only reason you're here," Sharra interjected.

Both Samson and Jaecarys nodded in agreement; it was just then, at that time, that Daenar entered the room as well.

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