Chapter 9: Battle of Wayfarer's Rest (Part 1)

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—At a nearby encampment—

"Our scouts report the Lannister armies are encroaching on two fronts: from the west past the Golden Tooth and from the east near Harrenhal," noted Ser Martyn Cassel, a Lieutenant in the Winter Wolves' 34th Cavalry Division. "The second host is said to be larger than the first. With the kingsroad cut off, confrontation is inevitable. I recommend that we get the second Lannister army on broken ground and put their troops at a disadvantage."

"Bah! Do that and you'll be wastin' a fine lot on a useless mission, Lieutenant," bellowed Lord Harmond Umber, ruler of the Last Hearth and Colonel in the Winter Wolves' 12th Marauder Battalion. A seasoned war veteran with 40 years of combat experience under his belt, Harmond is a large heavily muscled man, standing 7' 0" and is a formidable warrior with fists as large as hams. He is a direct descendant of Lord Greatjon Umber through his grandson Ned Umber.

Every high-ranking Northmen officer in the main command tent surrounded a map detailing the battlefield, with each piece spread across the table detailing the movement of the respective Lannister, Tully, and Stark armies.

"No, what we need to do is get around them and stop the lion host approaching from the Golden Tooth dead in its tracks near the Whispering Wood before reinforcing the Tullys at Riverrun. Do that, and both the river lords and army defectors will join us."

"But to do that we'll need to send a relief force here at Wayfarer's Rest. It's suggested to be one of the rebels' last remaining supply lines," noted Ser Brandon Stark, second-in-command of the Winter Wolves. Serving under his elder brother Rodrick's leadership, both young men claim descendant of Robb Stark the Young Wolf, who served as Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North 800 years ago. Brandon had gaunt features, a long face, small grey eyes, and long brown hair. Whereas Roderick was born to lead, he was born to follow – the alpha and beta.

Standing at the front was Rodrick Stark, whose eyes remained focused on the map. The North's heir and former representative in parliament, he narrowly managed to escape King's Landing to avoid execution and fled home to Winterfell. Once he informed his father, Lord Jon Stark, the North rallied their armies and rose in rebellion against King Argilac IV. Having crossed the Neck with additional river lords led by Commander Arwood Frey, the northern armies grew larger with engineers and crannogmen saboteurs under the leadership of Commander Donnel Reed. As the leader of the Winter Wolves, Rodrick commanded the entire northern military on its long campaign south.

"So, which course of action are we going to take, my lord?" inquired Lieutenant Jorelle Mormont. "Do we confront the main Lannister host approaching from Harrenhal... or the one coming from the Golden Tooth?"

But before the heir to Winterfell could reply, there was a small commotion coming from outside nearing their tent – and the footsteps were growing louder. Someone was coming! Everyone stood at attention was some Stark and Frey guards hauled in a strange man, his hands tied behind his back and a burlap sack placed over his head before it was subsequently removed.

"Apologies for the intrusion, my lord," one of them said, "but we caught this man near one of our campsites."

"A spy?" growled Harmond.

"No, ser. He had this on him."

The guard reached into the man's pocket and pulled out a piece of paper before rolling it out onto the table. Once opened, it revealed a list of names... along with a hefty reward for each one.

'WANTED: Lady Leandra BLACKWOOD of Raventree Hall. A Madwoman and a Revolutionist. Whose Crimes involve INCITING VIOLENCE and SEDITION. Dead or Alive. 100 Silver Stags REWARD.'

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