Chapter 20: Preparing our next move

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The Eyrie...

"General, if I might a suggestion," Petyr spoke, "don't you think it is best to tell Prince Daemon that restoring parliament—even if it is a smaller portion of what it once was—right now is a bit too risky, given the circumstances? The war effort will get bogged down with bureaucrats and quill pushers. Worse, it could get stocked with fools who would demand we sue for peace."

"Normally I'd be more inclined to agree, major," Samson stated. "Which is why King Ormund II discreetly instilled a certain clause for rare occasions should that happen in times of war."

"Article 67, clause 4F in the Acts of Union states that should parliament fail to grant the necessary authorization in times of war," Jacaerys read from the manual, "emergency power shall be temporarily invoked by the Protector of the Realm under the advisement of the Master of War and Grand General of the Army."

"King Ormund hoped it would not be necessary, but if it comes down to it... well, let us just say that relations between the military and the politicians were never a warm one. Too many self-interests and personal gain." Samson turned to Petyr. "Unlike most of them, we know the score and what is at stake. And as Master of War, I will be advising Daemon should such a moment arise."

A backup plan... and both Samson and Jacaerys know this; they would be daring the nobles to interfere during wartime if they tried anything.

"Clever. Very, very clever," Petyr acknowledged. "Perhaps one of you should run as Prime Minister as well."

Looking around to make sure no one else was within earshot he spoke his next words quietly "Speaking of which, we need to get Daemon to fill out the rest of the council positions, specifically who is to be Hand." He looked between the General and Admiral. "I would normally suggest either of you, but you are needed in the fields, not behind desks. Lady Arryn would also make a good Hand, but I doubt she would ever accept the position."

"Yes, I agree," Samson shrugged. "Though Daemon has informed me that he plans to name Lady Asha Greyjoy to the Small Council as Mistress of Laws and that colonist from Mirantibus Spe's Kental Province Baelor Darren as Master of Coin; says we have him to thank for getting us sixteen million gold dragons."

"Sixteen million?" Jacaerys sputtered. "We'll finally have money to fund our troops, acquire high-end artillery and strengthen our supplies."

"Yes. This colonist has ties to the Central Bank of Westeros dating back three centuries."

"And the Greyjoy lass?"

"A gesture of goodwill, though she can be harsh. Harsh, but fair. No ironborn in history has ever been granted a seat on the Small Council."

It was left unsaid that the Greyjoys had a certain history of unpredictable and untrustworthy behavior which had contributed to their exclusion from a say in government. However, if this rebellion were to succeed then past grudges and petty squabbles needed to be set aside.

"I can just imagine how they are all reacting in King's Landing," Petyr mused. "Argilac most certainly has broken everything in the Red Keep and Gerion is probably stalking back and forth like a caged lion in the Tower of the Hand."

But all three of them understood a cornered lion was even more dangerous.

"Major," Samson said with an authoritative tone. "Double the guards around Loreon's cell and place them on a rotating basis to avoid any being influenced. Gerion Lannister would already know where we are this past fortnight – well beyond his reach. By then the men would have received a raven with a message: 'Release my son and you will be rich beyond your dreams. Refuse and your house will be destroyed, root and stem.'"

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