Chapter 19: Declaration of a Rebellion

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—The Vale of Arryn—

The Bloody Gate...

With morale running so high following their victory over the Royal Army at Riverrun, most remained behind under Colonel Vargo's command to begin preparations for a campaign south to reclaim lost territory. Stone Hedge, Atranta, Stone Mill, Lambswold, Harroway, and Darry have so far been retaken by the river lords. Soon, more would gain back what was previously lost.

But with a summit called at the Eyrie, most heads of the Great Houses who sided with the rebels either went to attend or their heirs represented them in their place. With his bastard daughters behind in Riverrun managing things for him, General Willem Tully - the new Lord of Riverrun - accompanied them; Rodrik Stark placed his younger brother Brandon in command of the North's military in his stead; and Asha Greyjoy decided to take part for her amusement whilst her brother Commodore Harwyn Greyjoy led the Iron Fleet on a naval campaign along the western coasts raiding supply lines, disrupting operations after seizing Lannisport.

Along the High Road, Gawain and his men followed behind the main host - headed by Daemon, Samson, and Petyr – all of whom were en route to the Eyrie. In the middle were Broden and Baelor Farrin; Gawain and his men were in the rear. The area was filled with mountains and hills, making it perilous for the uninitiated. Luckily for them, with the Vale soldiers and Brotherhood of Winged Knights leading the way, they would feel safe that they would reach the regional capital of the Vale.

"Wooow," Kay admired the view. "So, this is the Vale... Captain! Look over there!"

From on high, Gawain could see Gulltown from below them - and the main bulk of the rebel fleet anchored. Yet, everywhere they looked, Vale sharpshooters and crossbowmen were armed to the teeth and always on guard. So far, the rumors were indeed true. The only way to reach the Eyrie on foot was heavily defended and the only access by sea was also heavily defended. No one would be getting in either way.

"I have heard stories about the Vale. They said the mountains here are impassable unless you travel along this road," Broden glanced over his shoulder to explain to Gawain.

While pressing on, they eventually arrive to see the battlements ahead; long parapets built into the very stone of the mountains on either side of them. Where the pass shrank to a narrow defile scarce wide enough for four men to ride abreast, twin watchtowers clung to the rocky slopes, joined by a covered bridge of weathered grey stone that arched above the road. Silent faces watched from arrow slits in towers, battlements, and bridges. When they had climbed to the top, they were met by the arrival of the local garrison.

"Who would pass the Bloody Gate?" demanded Lieutenant General Jarred Royce.

"Major Petyr Hardyng, and our entourage," Petyr answered. "We've come to deliver a report to my cousin Sharra Arryn, Lady of the Eyrie, Defender of the Vale, and Wardeness of the East."

"Ah yes, welcome home, major. Let them pass!"

The Eyrie...

Once the gates were opened, they were all allowed entry on the narrow road to the Eyrie before they all heard the gates sealing up behind them. Farm wagons and merchants' carts and riders from lesser noble houses moved aside to let them pass.

But through, they saw the Eyrie up close from the foot of the Giant's Lance. The ancestral seat of House Arryn, one of the oldest lines of Andal nobility, although small by the standards of the other Great Houses, the Eyrie was still considered impenetrable as its seven slender white towers bathed in the morning light. From there did the drawbridge descended to allow the weary travelers entry. Among them, the powerful Vale nobles had gathered in the main hall. In the middle, Gawain saw the ruler of the Vale standing in the center of the assembly. She must have been at least the same age as Daemon: eighteen years old. So, this is Sharra Arryn! But by the gods, the rumors surrounding her reputation did her no justice. "The Flower of the Vale", they called her.

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