Chapter 15: Battle of the Iron Islands

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—The Iron Islands—


Onboard the Great Kraken, the ironborn forces were engaged in vicious naval warfare with Sunset Sea Flotilla's Western Maritime Division. The surrounding vessels spin broadsides to each other – unleashing a barrage of cannon fire once in range, thundering and screaming as several crew members race along the length of the decks. But before long the Iron Fleet and Argilac's Royal Fleet are drawn closer – close enough for attackers to swing on ropes, cross from ship to ship. The ironborn, however, were relentless marauders at sea. Instead, their war galleys and longships dropped armored gangplanks on their enemy's ships to lock them into place whilst their sharpshooters blasted a few royal sailors mid-swing before they could board.

Dozens of people rush towards each other, swords and axes clashing and flintlocks firing. Many people are killed instantly. More men are running over the gangplank.

Daemon rushes past many adversaries to reach the port, climbing up the Victory's starboard side. Soldiers loyal to his brother swarm across, attacking him and ironborn alike. Ducking his head, he swings Stormbringer – disemboweling one and lacerating another. He takes a momentary advantage of a short break in the action to see the Great Kraken nearby.

"Almost there."

Fighting his way through many obstacles before him, Daemon spots two familiar figures locked in combat with mariners.

"Broden! Major Hardyng!"

Both men finish off their respective adversaries before turning.

"Prince Daemon!" Broden exclaimed.

Petyr panted. "Some colonists and inmates broke us out. Captain's getting the Falcon's Flight ready for departure."

"We're not leaving yet."

"We're not?"

"No," Daemon points to the Great Kraken. "We need Asha Greyjoy alive. The Talons are already on her and her men are losing ground. If she falls, so does the Iron Islands and Riverrun itself will follow suit without this alliance."

"You're crazy, you know that?!"

"Among other things!"

Broden and Petyr looked at each other before giving the other a faint nod in acknowledgment, turning in different directions with a contingent of escaped convicts and the Falcon's Flight crew to begin preparations. Before disappearing, Petyr turned around to Daemon.

"Hey, Prince. You better take care of yourself out there... for Sharra's sake and nothing else."

"Understood, Major."

The sound of cannon fire rips through the air – coming from all sides. Cannonballs hit the shore; explosions devastate Lordsport's infrastructure; men cry out in anguish.

Daemon dips for cover before rushing from one corner to another as he races for the docks. But even as his path grew ever closer, the harbor was crawling with royal sailors and ironborn marauders each battling for control of Lordsport. Whoever controlled Lordsport would control all of Pyke's harbors – giving their fleet time to resupply, arm their troops, and repair damaged vessels.

The sailors and ironborn charge; the clouds begin to darken the skies. And then it began to rain torrentially.

"Steady your ground, mates! Remember – we are the Royal Navy!" hollered one of the mariners.

Daemon pushed and shoved his way past the crowd to reach the harbor and leaped off the side to one of the nearby longships, grabbing onto the cargo nets before climbing his way up unseen. Just as he climbed his way onto the deck, he can see a flurry of ironborn and sailors trading blows and firing shots at one another. And just in front of him stood the Great Kraken – where Asha Greyjoy and her brother Harwyn engaged in a vicious duel with a Talon marauder sent to kill Asha!

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