Chapter 6: The Vale of Arryn

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—The Vale of Arryn


"We should be within sight of Gulltown soon, Your Highness," called out a rebel sailor.

About time. "Very good, ensign," Daemon acknowledged as he stared into the distance. They had been sailing over 410 miles for the past four days since departing Driftmark. Having rid himself of his past indecision, he had his sights set on rendezvousing at the rebels' base of operations in the Vale: the Eyrie.

Although his men-at-arms were vastly smaller and limited in numbers compared to Argilac's army, these rebels were mostly comprised of volunteer forces recruited from his vassals sworn directly to Dragonstone, but by daybreak, Ser Jacaerys had gained an additional 800 longships and 200 war galleys for his younger nephew's navy—bringing the total amount of ships to approximately 1,200. If the rumors were true, then this would give Daemon a significant advantage over his brother by sea. Being the Master of Ships and Lord Admiral of the Royal Fleet, Ser Jacaerys still carried a great deal of influence among those who knew him best and could win over more sailors to the Prince's side. He will put them to good use as the rebels' top naval commander.

"The smallfolk are calling this civil war the 'Clash of Antlers'. Much like the Targaryen's Dance of the Dragons almost a thousand years ago," Jaqoros spoke up.

"Only there were dragons back then, not modern artillery," remarked Samson. Now acting in his capacity as Master of War, the professor had come out of retirement to assume the position as Grand General of the rebel army. Even on the deck of Second Wind, Samson spent much of his time training the volunteer troops in the art of warfare. As a veteran, his years of combat experience were essential. These people were recruits and had never held either a blade or firearm in their lives. "Sergeant! Do not pull any punches with this lot. These cadets need to prepare for an actual fight, not a practice one."

"Yes, General," the soldier acknowledged.

Samson turned his attention to his colleague. "Have your spies turned up anything?" he inquired.

"My little birds report unusual activity in the Riverlands, though not much else. Stoney Sept, the Golden Tooth, Maidenpool... any contacts I have had installed there have gone silent. I suspect the Lannisters are responsible for it on Argilac's behalf, but until we know more... I cannot be certain. Perhaps House Arryn could tell us more."

"Lady Alayne has been our greatest supporter."

Jaqoros nodded in agreement. "Did you hear what else the people are calling him?"

"Who?" asked Samson.

"Prince Daemon. Already the word has spread about his coronation at Driftmark. They're calling him 'the King in the Narrow Sea' – distinguishing himself from his older brother, the King on the Andalosinian Throne."

"Daemon is young, able, and willing, but he still has a long way to go compared to his older brother—who fought on the frontlines with most of us during the last armed conflict. Argilac might be insane, but when it comes to combat experience... that is where he vastly outshines Daemon. He must cajole, make the necessary sacrifices... and he will need to get his hands dirty if left with no other option. Here, in this war, he'll be overwhelmed with all three choices at the same time."

"But it is our duty as his advisors to ensure he doesn't have to bear most of the burden entirely on his shoulders, no?"

"And lend our experience where his own is lacking."

"It is as you said, old friend. Prince Daemon is young but inexperienced. Where he lacks in prowess as a warrior, he at least makes up for it in diplomacy."

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