Chapter 22: Mission to the Reach (Part 2)

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The Reach—

Somewhere near Golden Grove and Cyder Hall...

"I understand your soldiers need supplies to feed your armies," Father Lucien stated, "but these poor souls are the ones who suffer the most. Without medicine, the sickness will claim them. And without food, many will starve. Please? I have appealed to Lord Tarly, but he turned me away."

"Captain," Edgar whispered, "if I may suggest we could lend out a few supplies we could get from us raiding the depot to the refugees. Two for one, right?"

Gawain looked at Edgar and nodded his head in agreement. "Good thinking, sergeant." He then turned his attention back to Lucien. "I understand you care for these people, and we will do what we can to help them. But for now, the best thing that can be done is to end this war and somehow you can help with that. If we can get them supplies, will you consent to return with us?"

"If you can guarantee their safety, then my congregation will follow," Father Lucien agreed. "But be wary. It is not just Lord Tarly that you must be cautious of. I heard rumors that one of His Grace's Kingsguard is nearby. Ser Connas Qarlstead."

"D-Did you say... Ser Connas Qarlstead?" Edgar gulped nervously. "The Butcher of the Bloodstones? Here?"

Regardless as one of the most dangerous in Argilac's Kingsguard, Ser Connas is known for his vicious brutality and tenacity. His infamous reputation surfaced as a young man during the War against the Band of Twelve when he slaughtered every pirate and mercenary on the Bloodstones - even those who surrendered were shown no mercy.

"That... that complicates things, captain," one of the privates said nervously.

It did not just complicate things, it made them damn near impossible. Tarly alone would have been difficult, but with Qarlstead in tow as well? It was enough to make even Gawain feel scared. The smart move would be to withdraw, reconfigure their plan, and return with more troops. But that would take a month at least to get back through the route they came. And then to return with troops, their large numbers would give away the element of surprise and force a drawn-out battle that could endanger not only his men but the lives of these refugees. Seeing the hopeless look on their faces and the lack of light in their eyes, especially in the small children, cut him deeper than any blade. "A strong man stands up for himself, but a stronger man stands up for others," Gawain murmured, partly to himself. He then reached into his uniform coat pocket and withdrew a small leather purse with a few coins and handed it to the clergyman, "We will do what we can for your people. Until then, buy whatever food and medicine you can with that."

"Wait," Father Lucien spoke up, "get down! Someone is coming!"

All immediately huddled out of sight, even the refugees. Royal troops patrolling the area had come to a halt, making way for one of the army's top military leaders to ride through. He was a lean and balding man with a short, bristly grey beard and wore mail and boiled leather with a breastplate of grey steel.

"Lord Jason Tarly," Edgar whispered.

Meeting him was a middle-aged man with greyish red hair and a wild, shaggy beard donning the golden armor and white cloak of the Kingsguard, Ser Connas Qarlstead.

"Th-that is him. The Butcher of the Bloodstones...!"

"All troops are accounted for," Jason reported. "Rations are being loaded onto the railway as we speak. Preparations for the march on Harrenhal are nearing completion."

"Good," Connas nodded. "His Grace will be most pleased. Harrenhal remains a strategic advantage for us. The rebels will soon realize their errors."

"Don't underestimate the capability of a united front, especially when morale runs high amongst their ranks. That mistake cost Colonel Loreon the Battle for Riverrun. Keep your wits about you."

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