Twilight [Rusame]

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AN: My first request 😳
Thank you emma_likes_to_write
Hope it turned out okay :D

Alfred Finnabella Jones was not like other girls. He was a blond twink, who personified the country of America. He was #quirky and he knew it.

But sadly Alfred had to transfer schools :( so sad

He went into his new class and sat down by some random extras that are not important to the plot and are therefore random extras.

But oh damn, one of the extras in front of him was a segsy mofo. Alfred looked at the tall random and swooned. The stranger was tall and had strange colored hair. What a chunk of hunk 😳

Alfred looked at the man, trying not to blink. A single tear fell down his cheek. The man was so hunky.

Then he noticed the man acting strange. He began to shift in his seat uncomfortably and look around nervously. He then stared back at Alfred, which caused Alfred to cry some more manly tears.

The large man scurried out of the room like a crab, screaming "KOL KOL KOL"

What a babe, Alfred thought. Though I wonder what's wrong...

😩😳🙈Time Skip🙈😳😩

Alfred was walking home, biting his lip like his icon Radio Rebel.

All of a sudden, the large man came out of the woods shrieking. He stopped in front of Alfred.

"You. Leetle man. Follow me, da?" The apparently Russian man said.

"Uh... sure papi" Alfred said, biting his lip like Radio Rebel again and tucking his hair behind his ear.

The russian grabbed his arm and ran faster than the flash, dragging Alfred through the woods. Alfred's head bounced off of every stump and rock.

The finally stopped in a clearing. He looked at the russian man. He was sparkling!

"Omg you're so gorg" said Alfred, with a massive concussion. "You're sparkly and shit, what's your name???"

"Ivan..." said the man, striking a Jojo pose. "And I.... am an eye juice vampire..."

Woah, a real life eye juice vampire! Alfred could hardly believe his luck.

"So that's why you freaked out after i started crying from your godlike physique"

"Da" Ivan said, nodding, sighing dramatically. "I usually try to drink the eye juice of animals, but... your eye juice is too much to resist."

All of a sudden, a werewolf popped out of the woods 😱!!!

The werewolf took one look at Alfred and then reeled back in disgust when Alfred shyly posed with his fingers together.

"OwO he's all yours Ivan, you win this time" the werewolf howled, then accidentally ran off a cliff.

"Become an eye juice vampire with me," Ivan said to Alfred, smiling.

"No~" Alfred moaned.

"Oh okay." Ivan retreated back into the woods, never to be heard of again.

The end 😩🙈💞🥵🤡

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